Write the routines to do a "percolate up" and a "percolate down" in a binary min-heap.

Format of functions:

void PercolateUp( int p, PriorityQueue H );
void PercolateDown( int p, PriorityQueue H );

where int p is the position of the element, and PriorityQueue is defined as the following:

typedef struct HeapStruct *PriorityQueue;
struct HeapStruct {
ElementType *Elements;
int Capacity;
int Size;

Sample program of judge:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> typedef int ElementType;
#define MinData -1 typedef struct HeapStruct *PriorityQueue;
struct HeapStruct {
ElementType *Elements;
int Capacity;
int Size;
}; PriorityQueue Initialize( int MaxElements ); /* details omitted */ void PercolateUp( int p, PriorityQueue H );
void PercolateDown( int p, PriorityQueue H ); void Insert( ElementType X, PriorityQueue H )
int p = ++H->Size;
H->Elements[p] = X;
PercolateUp( p, H );
} ElementType DeleteMin( PriorityQueue H )
ElementType MinElement;
MinElement = H->Elements[1];
H->Elements[1] = H->Elements[H->Size--];
PercolateDown( 1, H );
return MinElement;
} int main()
int n, i, op, X;
PriorityQueue H; scanf("%d", &n);
H = Initialize(n);
for ( i=0; i<n; i++ ) {
scanf("%d", &op);
switch( op ) {
case 1:
scanf("%d", &X);
Insert(X, H);
case 0:
printf("%d ", DeleteMin(H));
printf("\nInside H:");
for ( i=1; i<=H->Size; i++ )
printf(" %d", H->Elements[i]);
return 0;
} /* Your function will be put here */

Sample Input:

1 10
1 5
1 2
1 9
1 1
1 4

Sample Output:

2 1 4
Inside H: 5 10 9
void PercolateUp( int p, PriorityQueue H )
int flag = ;
if(p/ && H -> Elements[p] <= H -> Elements[p/])
int d = H -> Elements[p];
H -> Elements[p] = H -> Elements[p/];
H -> Elements[p/] = d;
p = p/;
else flag = ;
void PercolateDown( int p, PriorityQueue H )
int flag = ;
int t;
if(p * <= H -> Size && H -> Elements[p] >= H -> Elements[p*])
t = p*;
else t = p;
if(p * + <= H -> Size && H ->Elements[t] >= H -> Elements[p* + ])
t = p * + ;
if(p != t)
int d = H ->Elements[t];
H ->Elements[t] = H -> Elements[p];
H -> Elements[p] = d;
p = t;
else flag = ;

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