
  You use Grapher to visualize and analyze implicit and explicit equations. You can graph equations as two– or three–dimensional graphs, and export them as images or animations.


Create a graph and add equations

  Add your own equation:  Click Add  in the lower-left corner of the Grapher window, then choose New Equation to create your own equation.


  Add an equation from a template:  Click Add  in the lower-left corner of the Grapher window, then choose New Equation From Template to add parametric equations, curves equations, vector field equations, or series from templates.


  Add an element to an equation:  Click the Add Elements pop-up menu  to the right of the equation field, then choose Show Equation Palette. You use the Equation Palette to add standard elements (exponentiation, roots, and absolute values), operators, Greek letters, and symbols to your equations.


 Change the font size and look of Equation



 Copy an image of an equation or graph to the clipboard





 Animate an equation in QuickTime

  Equation->Create Animaiton...

 Evaluate an equation at a specific point





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