
整个配置文件分为三部分:input,filter,output。参考这里的介绍 https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/configuration-file-structure.html

1 在Windows中,文件路径中分隔符要使用/而不是\。如果使用了\,那么*匹配将会失败。

2 默认的@timestamp是使用UTC时间表示的,所以对于北京时间会有8小时差,我们很多情况会使用日期来做type区分日志,这时有个办法是在filter中增加ruby来做转换。其实是新加了一个属性来表示日期。




#参考这里的介绍 https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/configuration-file-structure.html
input {
file {
type => "apache-access"
path => "/apphome/ptc/Windchill_10.0/Apache/logs/access_log*"
start_position => beginning
sincedb_path => "/opt/logstash-2.3.1/sincedb_path/access_progress"
ignore_older =>
add_field => {"log_hostname"=>"${HOSTNAME}"}
#这个值默认是\n 换行符,如果设置为空"",那么后果是每个字符代表一个event
delimiter => ""
#这个表示关闭超过(默认)3600秒后追踪文件。这个对于multiline来说特别有用。... 这个参数和logstash对文件的读取方式有关,两种方式read tail,如果是read
close_older =>
coodec => multiline {
pattern => "^\s"
# negate => ""
#what有两个值可选 previous和next,举例说明,java的异常从第二行以空格开始,这里就可以pattern匹配空格开始,what设置为previous意思是空格开头这行跟上一行属于同一event。另一个例子,有时候一条命令太长,当以\结尾时表示这行属于跟下一行属于同一event,这时需要使用negate=>true,what=>'next'。
what => "previous"
auto_flush_interval =>
file {
type => "methodserver-log"
path => "/apphome/ptc/Windchill_10.0/Windchill/logs/MethodServer-1604221021-32380.log"
start_position => beginning
sincedb_path => "/opt/logstash-2.3.1/sincedb_path/methodserver_process"
# ignore_older =>
ruby {
code => "event['daytag'] = event.timestamp.time.localtime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')"
# if [path] =~ "access" {} else if [path] =~ "methodserver" {} else if [path] =~ "servermanager" {} else {} 注意语句结构
if [path] =~ "MethodServer" { #z这里的=~是匹配正则表达式
grok {
patterns_dir => ["/opt/logstash-2.3.1/patterns"] #自定义正则匹配
# Tue // ::: TP-Processor2: hirecode---->77LS
match => { "message" => "%{DAY:log_weekday} %{DATE_US:log_date} %{TIME:log_time}: %{GREEDYDATA:log_data}"}
mutate {
replace => { "type" => "apache" } #替换属性值
convert => { #类型转换
"bytes" => "integer" #例如还有float
"duration" => "integer"
"state" => "integer"
# date {
# match => [ "logTime" , "dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z" ]
# }
}else if [type] in ['tbg_qas','mbg_pre'] { # if ... else if ... else if ... else结构
}else {
drop{} # 将event丢弃
output {
stdout{ codec=>rubydebug} # 直接输出,调试用起来方便
# 输出到redis
redis {
host => ''
data_type => 'list'
key => ''
# 输出到ES
elasticsearch {
hosts =>""
index => "%{sysid}_%{type}"
document_type => "%{daytag}"


input {
file {
type => "log_raw_data"
path => "/apphome/ptc/Windchill_10.0/Windchill/logs/gc/*GC.log"
start_position => end
sincedb_path => "/opt/logstash-2.3.1/sincedb_path/log_progress"
# ignore_older =>
add_field => {"sysid"=>"tbg_qas"}
file {
type => "log_raw_data"
path => ["/apphome/ptc/Windchill_10.0/Windchill/logs/*MethodServer*.log","/apphome/ptc/Windchill_10.0/Windchill/logs/ServerManager-*.log"]
start_position => end
sincedb_path => "/opt/logstash-2.3.1/sincedb_path/log_progress"
# ignore_older =>
add_field => {"sysid"=>"tbg_qas"}
close_older =>
codec => multiline {
# patterns_dir => ["D:/app/logstash-2.3.1/patterns"]
pattern => "^%{DAY} %{DATESTAMP}:"
negate => true
what => "previous"
# auto_flush_interval =>
output {
# stdout{ codec=>rubydebug}
redis {
host => ''
data_type => 'list'
key => 'log_raw_data'
redis {
host => ''
data_type => 'list'
key => 'log_raw_data'
input {
redis {
host => "localhost"
data_type => "list"
port => ""
key => "log_raw_data"
type => "redis-input"
ruby {
code => "event['daytag'] = event.timestamp.time.localtime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')"
if [path] =~ "access" {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{IPORHOST:clientip} %{HTTPDUSER:ident} %{USER:username} \[%{HTTPDATE:logtime}\] \"%{WORD:verb} %{NOTSPACE:request} (?:%{NOTSPACE:httpversion}|)\" (?:%{NUMBER:state}|-) (?:%{NUMBER:bytes}|-) %{NUMBER:duration}"}
mutate {
replace => { "type" => "apache" }
convert => {
"bytes" => "integer"
"duration" => "integer"
"state" => "integer"
date {
match => [ "logtime" , "dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z" ]
}else if [path] =~ ".*ServerManager.*GC\.log" {
if [message] =~ "\[Full GC" {
grok {
match => {"message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:logtime}: %{GREEDYDATA:gcdetail} \[Times: user=%{BASE10NUM:usertime} sys=%{BASE10NUM:systime}, real=%{BASE10NUM:realtime} secs\]"}
date {
match => ["logtime" , "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'+0800'"]
}else if [message] =~ "\[GC" {
grok {
match => {"message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:logtime}: %{GREEDYDATA:gcdetail} \[Times: user=%{BASE10NUM:usertime} sys=%{BASE10NUM:systime}, real=%{BASE10NUM:realtime} secs\]"}
date {
match => ["logtime" , "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'+0800'"]
drop {}
mutate {
replace => {"type" => "smgc" }
convert => {
"usertime" => "float"
"systime" => "float"
"realtime" => "float"
}else if [path] =~ ".*MethodServer.*GC\.log" {
if [message] =~ "\[Full GC" {
grok {
match => {"message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:logtime}: %{GREEDYDATA:gcdetail} \[Times: user=%{BASE10NUM:usertime} sys=%{BASE10NUM:systime}, real=%{BASE10NUM:realtime} secs\]"}
date {
match => ["logtime" , "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'+0800'"]
}else if [message] =~ "\[GC" {
grok {
match => {"message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:logtime}: %{GREEDYDATA:gcdetail} \[Times: user=%{BASE10NUM:usertime} sys=%{BASE10NUM:systime}, real=%{BASE10NUM:realtime} secs\]"}
date {
match => ["logtime" , "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'+0800'"]
drop {}
mutate {
replace => {"type" => "msgc" }
convert => {
"usertime" => "float"
"systime" => "float"
"realtime" => "float"
}else if [path] =~ "MethodServer" {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{DAY:weekday} %{DATESTAMP:logtime}: %{GREEDYDATA:logdata}"}
date {
match => [ "logtime" , "M/d/yy HH:mm:ss" ]
mutate { replace => { "type" => "ms" } }
}else if [path] =~ "ServerManager" {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{DAY:weekday} %{DATESTAMP:logtime}: %{GREEDYDATA:logdata}"}
date {
match => [ "logtime" , "M/d/yy HH:mm:ss" ]
mutate { replace => { "type" => "sm" } }
}else if [path] =~ "Process_Archive" {
grok {
patterns_dir => ["/opt/logstash-2.3.1/patterns"]
match => { "message" => "%{PROCESS_DATETIME:logtime} %{GREEDYDATA:logdata}"}
date {
match => [ "logtime" , "yyyy MMM dd HH:mm:ss:SSS 'GMT +8'" ]
mutate { replace => { "type" => "prc_arc" } }
}else if [path] =~ "ESISAPAdapterConfiguration" {
grok {
patterns_dir => ["/opt/logstash-2.3.1/patterns"]
match => { "message" => "%{PROCESS_DATETIME:logtime} %{GREEDYDATA:logdata}"}
date {
match => [ "logtime" , "yyyy MMM dd HH:mm:ss:SSS 'GMT +8'" ]
mutate { replace => { "type" => "esi_adp" } }
}else if [path] =~ "LenovoAdapterConfiguration" {
grok {
patterns_dir => ["/opt/logstash-2.3.1/patterns"]
match => { "message" => "%{PROCESS_DATETIME:logtime} %{GREEDYDATA:logdata}"}
date {
match => [ "logtime" , "yyyy MMM dd HH:mm:ss:SSS 'GMT +8'" ]
mutate { replace => { "type" => "le_adp" } }
}else {
mutate { replace => { "type" => "other" } }
# drop {}
# extractnumbers {
# source => "duration"
# }
output {
# stdout{ codec=>rubydebug}
elasticsearch {
hosts =>""
index => "%{sysid}_%{type}"
document_type => "%{daytag}"


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