<!DOCTYPE html>
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padding: 0;
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width: 200px;
height: 200px;
margin: 100px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
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border: 1px solid #ccc;
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.small img{
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height: 200px;
.big img{
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<!-- 大图片宽度/big框宽度 = small框宽度/mask框宽度,并且小照片宽度 = small框宽度,如BigImg = 1000, SmallImg = small = 200,big=400,那么mask = 80 -->
<div class="box">
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<img src="./resident.jpg" alt="small Image">
<div class="mask"></div>
<div class="big">
<img src="./resident.jpg" alt="Big Image">
</div> <script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function(){
// 鼠标放到小盒子上时,大盒子图片同等比例移动
//技术点:onmouseenter==onmouseover 第一个不冒泡
//技术点:onmouseleave==onmouseout 第一个不冒泡
//3.右侧的大图片,等比例移动 var box = document.getElementsByClassName("box")[0];
var small = box.firstElementChild || box.firstChild;
var big = box.children[1];
var mask = small.children[1];
var bigImg = big.children[0]; // 1.鼠标放上去显示盒子,移开隐藏盒子(为小盒子绑定事件) // 调用封装好的方法,显示元素
small.onmouseenter = function(){
// 调用封装好的方法,隐藏元素
small.onmouseleave = function(){
} // 2. mask跟随鼠标移动
// 绑定事件是onmousemove,事件源是small,只要在小盒子上移动1px,mask也要跟随移动
small.onmousemove = function(event){
// 想移动mask,需要知道鼠标在small中的位置,x作为mask的left值,y作为mask的top值
event = event || window.event;
// 获取鼠标在整个页面的位置
var pagex = event.pageX || scroll().left + event.clientX;
var pagey = event.pageY || scroll().top + event.clientY;
// 让鼠标在mask的最中间,减去mask宽高的一半,x、y为mask的坐标
// console.log(pagex + " " + pagey);
var x = pagex - box.offsetLeft - mask.offsetWidth/2;
var y = pagey - box.offsetTop - mask.offsetHeight/2;
// 限制mask的范围,left取值大于0,小于小盒子的宽减mask的宽
x = 0;
if(x>small.offsetWidth - mask.offsetWidth){
x = small.offsetWidth - mask.offsetWidth;
y = 0;
if(y>small.offsetHeight - mask.offsetHeight){
y = small.offsetHeight - mask.offsetHeight;
// 移动mask
// console.log("x:" + x + " y:" + y);
mask.style.left = x + "px";
mask.style.top = y + "px"; //3.右侧的大图片,等比例移动
// 大图片/大盒子 = 小图片/mask盒子
// 大图片走的距离/mask走的距离 = (大图片-大盒子)/(小图片-mask)
//比例var times = (bigImg.offsetWidth-big.offsetWidth)/(small.offsetWidth-mask.offsetWidth);
//大图片走的距离/mask盒子走的距离 = 大图片/小图片
var times = bigImg.offsetWidth/small.offsetWidth;
var _x = x * times;
var _y = y * times; bigImg.style.marginLeft = -_x + "px";
bigImg.style.marginTop = -_y + "px";
// 显示隐藏元素
function show(element){
element.style.display = "block";
function hide(element){
element.style.display = "none";
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