Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way.


No, no, no, I think only winners will be qualified to say that for they have already had the spare time to savor their life experiences.

But for those who haven't yet attained our life goals, whether long-term or short-term, we may have no spare time to review the past or to savor our life experiences, if we do, it is just a waste of time, and what may be even worse, if it tastes badly, our confidence in life would be reduced and we would become negative.

Life is a race, a continuous race, from our birth to our death, we always have to compete with time, with ourselves and with others.

Once you have been lost behind, don't look back to count how many people are behind you, but look forward to count how many people are ahead of you, and you must try your utmost to catch up with those who are in front of you, otherwise you will miserably find the gap between you and the leaders are broadened step by step.

But what should we do if we have been in the inferior situation?

Just give up? No, that's not my life motto.

Because I had tasted the toxic odor of giving up and I even haven't yet completely recovered from it.

I ever prayed to the God to give me some hints, but it eventually turned out that there is no God, even if there is, he may not be willing to give me a little blessing.

I have to reverse my downward trends toward upwards, maybe the journey is tiring, but the bright destination will pay off all our efforts.

Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect.


From Ralph Emerson.

Maybe I am a shallow man, I indeed believe in luck, I indeed think there are some unknown forces that can affect the final result.

Maybe the result has already been destined, all our efforts and desire to make a little difference just are in vain.

Now that we can't change it, just capitalize on what comes, that, after all, could be a good way of enjoying life.

I don't intend to live my life in such ways, even though I have known what my desiny will be.

The outcome can't be changed, but I still decide to add some bright colors to my gloomy life-painting.

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