JPedal is a commercial PDF library, so it is not free (and it cannot realistically be because no income means no money to fund development and support). OEM customers also get access to the source code so they have free access to the product in the sense they are not limited – they can alter it if they want. Commercial users get free support in the sense we charge everyone a yearly fee to cover general support costs. We also have a cutdown version of the PDF viewer which we release under an LGPL license. This means that you can access the source code and the jar and use them without any payment. You just have to abide by the LGPL license. In this sense it is totally free. We build it from the full version and remove items (so it gets most bug fixes and some features). So it is free in that sense. Our hope is that it will encourage lots of people to use it, to do interesting things with it and some may become commercial clients. And we like to have a free entry-level version – it appeals to the rebel in our nature And being a cut-down version of a commercial product means you are likely to see updates – there are several ‘dead’ free Java PDF libraries because they do not generate any revenues to put back into development and support.
下面使用JPedal 转换为图片的代码
/** instance of PdfDecoder to convert PDF into image */
PdfDecoder decode_pdf = new PdfDecoder(true); /** set mappings for non-embedded fonts to use */
PdfDecoder.setFontReplacements(decode_pdf); /** open the PDF file - can also be a URL or a byte array */ decode_pdf.openPdfFileFromInputStream(in, false);
// decode_pdf.openPdfFile("C:/myPDF.pdf", "password"); //encrypted
// file
// decode_pdf.openPdfArray(bytes); //bytes is byte[] array with PDF
// decode_pdf.openPdfFileFromURL("http://www.mysite.com/myPDF.pdf",false); /** get page 1 as an image */
// page range if you want to extract all pages with a loop
// int start = 1, end = decode_pdf.getPageCount();
int pageCount = decode_pdf.getPageCount(); if (curPage > pageCount || curPage <= 0)
curPage = pageCount; BufferedImage img = null; img = decode_pdf.getPageAsImage(curPage ); pageCnt=String.valueOf(pageCount); FileOutputStream out;
out = new FileOutputStream(file); JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(out);
变为:FontMappings.setFontReplacements(); 但是没有带参数。你的decode_pdf值是“UTF-8”?
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