VS 的编译选项 build下的platform -- Any CPU和x86有什么影响?

现在的问题是,我的一个assembly用Any CPU编译就不能在64位系统下运行了,但是用x86编译就ok

原因是如果用Any CPU编译,那么在64位机器默认的运行就是64位的,




那么编译选项就不能使用默认的Any CPU了需要注意
我去,ANY CPU的意思不是任何CPU都可以用,而是当前编译的这台机子的环境可用
Mixed Platform vs Any CPU
 Team Build deals with solution configurations - these are the platforms (e.g. .NET or Win32) and configurations (e.g. Debug or Release) you typically see in combo boxes within Visual Studio when you have a solution loaded (if you hover over these boxes the tooltips will say "Solution Platforms" and "Solution Configurations", respectively).  When all of the projects in a solution are of the same type (e.g. C#/VB projects) the solution configurations will match up exactly with the project configurations.  Once you have projects in a solution that have mismatched configurations/platforms, Visual Studio creates the solution level configuration(s) "Mixed Platforms/Debug" and possibly "Mixed Platforms/Release".  These configurations are just mappings to individual project level configurations.

For example, if you have a C# project and a C++ project, typically "Mixed Platforms/Debug" will map to "Any CPU/Debug" for the C# project and "Win32/Debug" for the C++ project.

To see these mappings, open up the Configuration Manager (either through the Build menu or by clicking on the platform or configuration combo box and selecting Configuration Manager...).  You should see combo boxes for the Active solution configuration and the Active solution platform and then a table showing you the project level mappings.  This will show you the platform generated for each project under each solution configuration.


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