超强语感训练文章(Provided by Rocky teacher Prince)
- Class1 My name is Prince
- Class2 Welcome to our hotel
- Class3 We’re not afraid of problems
- Class4 Doing a job that you like
- Class5 We should take good care of our eyes
- Class6 A dog is man's best friend
- Class7 Knowledge is power
- Class8 Importance of clear communication
- Class9 Reading for Pleasure
- Class10 Friends
- Class11 Why do you enjoy sports
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1. Class1 My name is Prince
Ladies and gentlemen,my name is prince .
I'm an excellent teacher in rocky school and my hobby is music,
(Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Peter.
I'm an excellent software Engineer in a software company and my hobby is music.)
during my free time, the thing I like to do best is playing the piano.
piano is my best friend and I always feel creative after playing the piano.
if you have the same hobby with me, we can study /play together.
Because I believe our life can be richer if we develop a wide variety of interests。
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2. Class2 Welcome to our hotel
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our hotel .
I hope you’ll eat well, sleep well, and enjoy our service .
Now let me tell you something about our hotel .
Our hotel is the oldest in our city.
It has a long history. Many famous people have stayed in our hotel.
Although our hotel is old, it was recently remodeled .
I'm sure you will agree our hotel is beautiful as well as comfortable .
We warmly welcome you to come back again and again .
Have a lovely stay here. 女士们,先生们,欢迎入住我们酒店,希望你们吃好,休息好,享受我们的服务。
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3. Class3 We’re not afraid of problems
Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m honored to have this opportunity to talk to you .
Solving problems is the top priority for government officials.
We’re not afraid of problems.
We consider problems to be challenges.
We have lots of confidence in our ability to solve any problem.
With your support and understanding, we can do a great job together.
Thank you for your cooperation.
If you have any problems, stop by our office. 女士们,先生们,我很荣幸有这个机会在这里演讲。
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4. Class4 Doing a job that you like
If you’re doing a job that you like, work itself can give you a feeling of satisfaction,
and your career can also be a lot of fun.
Interest is the best guide and the source of success.
There is a connection between liking your job and being successful at it.
When you’re planning your career, consider your own strengths and value your own interests.
If you choose a career that you love, you will have fun and achieve a lot. 如果你从事着一份你喜欢的工作,工作本身可以带给你一种满足感,
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5. Class5 We should take good care of our eye
Many children want to buy computers because they like to play computer games.
But they don’t know playing computer games for a long time is bad for their eyes.
If we look round, we can see many children begin to wear glasses when they are six or seven years old.
So parents and teachers should tell those children not to play at the computers for a long time.
Computers are very useful and computer games are very interesting, but we should take good care of our eyes. 保护你的眼睛免受电脑伤害
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6. Class6 A dog is man's best friend
People often say that a dog is man's best friend.
Over thousands of years, man has taught his dogs to do many kinds of work besides guarding the home.
For example, sheepdogs are famous for their ability to control hundreds of sheep.
Dogs have been used to aid disabled people for centuries. A guide dog can lead its blind owner.
Nowadays, dogs can be taught to turn on light switches, open refrigerator doors and dial the telephone for their disabled owners.
For the majority of people, however, dogs are simply pets and friends for both young and old members of the family. 人们总是说狗是人类最好的朋友。
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7. Class7 Knowledge is power
Knowledge is power. But we must remember that a strong mind needs a strong body in order to make it most effective.
There are many good exercises to make your body strong.
Any exercise that allows maximum use of different body movements is good.
Outdoor sports are the best because of fresh air, but indoor sports can be effective also.
Our bodies can get more oxygen by doing exercise.
The more exercises you do, the healthier you’ll become.
Don’t neglect your body. It is as important as your mind. 知识就是力量。但是我们不能忘记,强大的头脑需要一个强壮的身体来支持它最高效地运作。
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8. Class8 Importance of clear communication
Ladies and gentlemen, today I want to talk about the importance of clear communication.
Clear communication means being able to really hear what someone is saying. You need to listen with your heart, not only your ears.
Remember you have two ears but only one mouth.
That means you should listen more and speak less, listening as well as speaking. It's absolutely necessary for clear communication.
Good communication is not as easy as it appears,
it takes hard work and years of practice.
Thanks for being here and listening to my speech.
I hope I made my message clear.
I hope you make a goal here to improve your communication.
Thanks for your attention. 女士们,先生们,今天我想谈谈有效沟通的重要性。
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9. Class9 Reading for Pleasure
The easiest and most important way to become a better reader is to read for enjoyment.
Some students don’t want to read for pleasure because they feel it’s too easy.
They say they want to use their time to learn the rules of language and new words.
However, reading for enjoyment helps you learn many important things about English.
Students learn more grammar and more words when they read for pleasure.
They also learn more skills of writing.
It can also improve your speaking by exposing you to more authentic English.
Everyone should try this powerful and enjoyable method of learning English. 要成为一个更优秀的读者,为乐趣而阅读是最简单也是最重要的方法。有些学生说他们不想为了乐趣而阅读,因为他们认为这太容易了。
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10. Class10 Friends
Everyone needs friends to talk with, laugh, feel closeness, and do things with.
There are times when we need to be alone,
though. We don’t always want people around. But we would feel lonely if we never had a friend.
No two people are the same. Sometimes friends don’t get along well.
That doesn’t mean they no longer like each other. Most of the time they will go on being friends.
Sometimes friends move away and we miss them. Maybe we will never see them again.
Luckily, we can call them and write to them.
Today’s technology allows us to have more friends in more places than ever before.
但如果我们一直没有朋友,我们会感觉孤单。 没有两个人是相同的。有时朋友间相处得不好。那不代表他们不再喜欢对方。
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11. Class11 Why do you enjoy sports
I really enjoy doing sports everyday and sharing the exprience with my friends.
Also there are many good exercises to make our body strong and i prefer outdoor sports.Especailly(举例子) swimming.
I am interested in sports because it can lose my weight and make our body stronger and stronger.
Furthermore, the reason why i like to do sports everyday is that i can make more friends after doing sports with others.
Although sports are good for people,we don't have enough time to do it everyday and some sports are dangerous for people.
if we have enough time we would like sports better,if sports are not that dangerous for people , more people will do it everyday.
Therefore we should call on more people to take part in doing sports to make their life healthier.
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