
A channel (a call) will go through many different states during its lifetime. Here we will describe the different states that a channel might find itself in, and what each of those states mean.


State Description
CS_NEW Channel is newly created.
CS_INIT Channel has been initialized.
CS_ROUTING Channel is looking for an extension to execute.
CS_SOFT_EXECUTE Channel is ready to execute from 3rd party control.
CS_EXECUTE Channel is executing its dialplan.
CS_EXCHANGE_MEDIA Channel is exchanging media with another channel.
CS_PARK Channel is accepting media awaiting commands.
CS_CONSUME_MEDIA Channel is consuming all media and dropping it.
CS_HIBERNATE Channel is in a sleep state.
CS_RESET Channel is in a reset state.
CS_HANGUP Channel is flagged for hangup and ready to end. Media will now end, and no further call routing will occur.
CS_REPORTING The channel is already hung up, media is already down, and now it's time to do any sort of reporting processes such as CDR logging.
CS_DESTROY Channel is ready to be destroyed and out of the state machine. Memory pools are returned to the core and utilized memory from the channel is freed.

State Handlers

Custom state handlers can be added to the channels either globally or on a per-channel basis. This will allow you to do your own custom reporting or clean up your own dynamically created objects, for example. Custom handlers can also be then removed from a channel.

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