


#pragma once

class structNode
struct Node
int Data;
Node *next;
}; };
typedef structNode::Node listNode;


 #include "creatLinkList.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std; creatLinkList::creatLinkList()
{ } creatLinkList::~creatLinkList()
{ } listNode *creatLinkList::create()
head = (listNode *)new(listNode);
head->next = NULL;
tem = head; int n;
cout << "please input the number of the node: " << '\n';
scanf_s("%d", &n); for (int i = ; i <= n; i++)
printf("input the data of %d : ", i);
p = (listNode *)new(listNode);
scanf_s("%d", &p->Data);
tem->next = p;
tem = p;
p->next = NULL;
return head;


 #include "insertLinkList.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std; insertLinkList::insertLinkList()
} insertLinkList::~insertLinkList()
} //在链表的第i个位置后添加一个节点,该节点的数据元素为x
listNode *insertLinkList::insertList(listNode *h)
listNode *tem, *p;
int i, x;
tem = (listNode*)new(listNode);
p = (listNode*)new(listNode);
tem = h->next;
int count = ;
cout << "Please input the position: " << '\n';
scanf_s("%d", &i); //在第1个位置插入节点
if (i == )
cout << "Please input the first data: " << '\n';
scanf_s("%d", &x);
p->Data = x;
p->next = tem;
h->next = p;
return h;
while ((count != i) && (tem->next != NULL))
tem = tem->next;
if (count != i)
std::cout << "out of space! insert the new data at last of the list" << '\n'; cout << "Please input the data: " << '\n';
scanf_s("%d", &x);
p->Data = x;
p->next = tem->next;
tem->next = p;
return h; }


 #include "deleteLinkList.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std; deleteLinkList::deleteLinkList()
} deleteLinkList::~deleteLinkList()
} //删除链表中数据元素为x的节点
listNode *deleteLinkList::deleteList(listNode *h)
listNode *tem, *p;
int x;
tem = (listNode*)new(listNode);
tem = h->next; cout << "Please input the data to delete : " << '\n';
scanf_s("%d", &x); //如果删除第一个节点
if (tem->Data == x)
p = tem;
h->next = p->next;
return h;
while (tem->next != NULL && tem->next->Data != x)
tem = tem->next;
if (tem->next == NULL)
cout << "oops! out of space!" << '\n';
p = (listNode*)new(listNode);
p = tem->next;
tem->next = p->next;
return h;


 #include "outputList.h"
#include "creatLinkList.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std; outputList::outputList()
} outputList::~outputList()
} void outputList::coutLinkList(listNode *h)
listNode *currentNode;
currentNode = h->next;
while (currentNode)
std::cout << currentNode->Data << " ";
currentNode = currentNode->next;
cout << "\n";


#include "deleteWholeList.h"
#include <iostream> deleteWholeList::deleteWholeList()
} deleteWholeList::~deleteWholeList()
} listNode* deleteWholeList::endList(listNode *h)
listNode *p,*tem;
p = h->next;
h->next = NULL;
/*tem = p;*/
while (p != NULL)
tem = p->next;
/*p = tem->next;*/
p = tem;
return h;


 #include "creatLinkList.h"
#include "outputList.h"
#include "structNode.h"
#include "insertLinkList.h"
#include "deleteLinkList.h"
#include "deleteWholeList.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << '\n' <<"***************************************"<< '\n' << '\n';
cout << "Welcome to the linkList world! " << '\n';
cout << '\n' <<"***************************************" << '\n' << '\n'; int i = ;
//int j = 1;
listNode *h = NULL;
creatLinkList a;
outputList b;
insertLinkList c;
deleteLinkList d;
deleteWholeList e;
while ()
cout << '\n' << "***************************************" << '\n';
cout << " 0 : end the linkList " << '\n';
cout << " 1 : creat a linkList " << '\n';
cout << " 2 : display a linkList " << '\n';
cout << " 3 : insert a node in the linkList " << '\n';
cout << " 4 : delete a node from the linkList " << '\n';
cout << "***************************************" << '\n';
cout << "Please input the function your want with the number above : " << '\n';
scanf_s("%d",&i); switch (i)
case :
cout << "CreatList now begin : ";
h = a.create();
case :
cout << "List now is : ";
case :
cout << "InsertList now begin : ";
h = c.insertList(h);
case :
cout << "DeleteList now begin : ";
h = d.deleteList(h);
cout << "End the list. ";
h = e.endList(h);
//j = 0;
} //structNode::Node *h;
//cout << "CreatList now begin : ";
//creatLinkList a;
//h = a.create(); //cout << "List now is : ";
//outputList b;
//b.coutLinkList(h); //cout << "InsertList now begin : ";
//insertLinkList c;
//h = c.insertList(h);
//cout << "List after insert is : ";
//b.coutLinkList(h); //cout << "DeleteList now begin : ";
//deleteLinkList d;
//h = d.deleteList(h);
//cout << "List after delete is : ";
} }



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