ArrayStore :

 // Store for array
var myStore = new{
storeId: "arrayStore",
fields: ["ID", "Name"],
data: [ //Data Source
["1", "Array"],
["2", "Json"],
["3", "Xml"]
}); // Grid to display the Data
var myGrid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
title: "Demo of Grid",
style: "width:400px; margin:10px;",
autoHeight: true,
store: Ext.StoreMgr.lookup("arrayStore"),
columns: {
{ header: "ID", dataIndex: "ID"},
{ header: "Name", dataIndex: "Name"}
defaults:{ // here, apply default config to each column
align: "center"

其中,关于 [store: Ext.StoreMgr.lookup("arrayStore")], 参考:

这个Store, 还可以这样创建:

//Data Source
var arrayData = [
[1, "Array"],
[2, "Json"],
[3, "Xml"]
// fields
var arrFields = [
{ name: "ID", mapping:0, type: "int"},
{ name: "Name", mapping:1, type: "string"}
//Store Container
var myStore = new{
storeId: "arrayStore",
data: arrayData,
fields: arrFields,
type: "memory",
type: "array"

但是, 下面的这个就出错, 还是定义的问题?

var myStore = new{
storeId: "arrayStore",
//autoLoad: true,
proxy: new,
reader: new{id: 0}, arrFields)

直接不显示, 连个提示都木有???



Error: ’ TypeError: c is not a constructor ‘  这是肿么回事???

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