
  1. public String casServerUrlPrefix = "http://cas-server.com:8080/cas";
  3. public String casServerLoginUrl = "http://cas-server.com:8080/cas/login";
  5. 其它的都没问题,结果一直报错,
  1. No principal was found in the response from the CAS server
  1. No principal was found in the response from the CAS server
  3. 搞了半天,结果发现是cas-server的上下文配错了,没有加cas上下文,导致Cas20ServiceTicketValidator    : Server response异常,返回了casLoginView.jsp页面
  5. 而正常的应该是这样:
  1. <cas:serviceResponse xmlns:cas='http://www.yale.edu/tp/cas'>
  2. <cas:authenticationSuccess>
  3. <cas:user>test</cas:user>
  5. </cas:authenticationSuccess>
  6. </cas:serviceResponse>
  1. 蛋疼....

No principal was found in the response from the CAS server的更多相关文章

  1. cas错误:org.jasig.cas.client.validation.TicketValidationException: No principal was found in the response from the CAS server.


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