enum UIActionSheetStyle : Int {

    case Automatic // take appearance from toolbar style otherwise uses 'default'
case Default //默认风格:灰色背景上显示白色文字  
case BlackTranslucent ////透明黑色背景,白色文字
case BlackOpaque // //纯黑背景,白色文字  
init(title: String?, delegate: UIActionSheetDelegate?, cancelButtonTitle: String?, destructiveButtonTitle: String?) unowned(unsafe) var delegate: UIActionSheetDelegate?

  var title: String


var actionSheetStyle: UIActionSheetStyle


func addButtonWithTitle(title: String) -> Int

// 返回 buttonIndex位置的按钮标题

func buttonTitleAtIndex(buttonIndex: Int) -> String


var numberOfButtons: Int { get }


var cancelButtonIndex: Int


var destructiveButtonIndex: Int


var firstOtherButtonIndex: Int { get }

var visible: Bool { get }

//showInview可能会导致弹出菜单被toolbar挡住,最下面的按钮不一定能接受的touch事件,showFromToolbar 是在toolbar上方弹出,就不会有这个问题 
func showFromToolbar(view: UIToolbar!)
func showFromTabBar(view: UITabBar!)
@availability(iOS, introduced=3.2)
func showFromBarButtonItem(item: UIBarButtonItem!, animated: Bool)
@availability(iOS, introduced=3.2)
func showFromRect(rect: CGRect, inView view: UIView!, animated: Bool)
func showInView(view: UIView!)


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