e791. 为JSpinner定制编辑器
This example replaces the default editor (a JFormattedTextField
) in a spinner component with a custom editor. The custom editor is simply a panel that displays a color. The name of the color to display is stored in a SpinnerListModel
// Create a color spinner
ColorSpinner spinner = new ColorSpinner(
new String[]{"red", "green", "blue"}); // Change the selected color
spinner.setValue("blue"); public class ColorSpinner extends JSpinner {
public ColorSpinner(String[] colorNames) {
setModel(new SpinnerListModel(colorNames));
setEditor(new Editor(this));
} public class Editor extends JPanel implements ChangeListener {
int preferredWidth = 30;
int preferredHeight = 16; Editor(JSpinner spinner) {
// Add the listener
spinner.addChangeListener(this); // Set the preferred size
setPreferredSize(new Dimension(preferredWidth, preferredHeight)); // Display the current color
} // Handles changes to the value stored in the model
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
JSpinner spinner = (JSpinner)evt.getSource(); // Get the new value
String value = (String)spinner.getValue(); // Update the displayed color
} // Updates the displayed color to 'colorName' which must be one
// of the predefined colors in java.awt.Color.
public void setColor(String colorName) {
try {
// Find the field and value of colorName
Field field = Class.forName("java.awt.Color").getField(colorName);
Color color = (Color)field.get(null); // Display the color
} catch (Exception e) {
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