
inline linking, offsite image grabs

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Most web servers maintain logs of all traffic, and record the HTTP referrer sent by the web browser for each request. This raises a number of privacy concerns, and as a result, a number of systems to prevent web servers being sent the real referring URL have been developed. These systems work either by blanking the referrer field or by replacing it with inaccurate data. Generally, Internet-security suites blank the referrer data, while web-based servers replace it with a false URL, usually their own. This raises the problem of referrer spam. The technical details of both methods are fairly consistent  – software applications act as a proxy server and manipulate the HTTP request, while web-based methods load websites within frames, causing the web browser to send a referrer URL of their website address. Some web browsers give their users the option to turn off referrer fields in the request header.[6]

Most web browsers do not send the referrer field when they are instructed to redirect using the "Refresh" field. This does not include some versions ofOpera and many mobile web browsers. However, this method of redirection is discouraged by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).[9]

If a website is accessed from a HTTP Secure (HTTPS) connection and a link points to anywhere except another secure location, then the referrer field is not sent.[10]

The HTML5 standard added support for the attribute/value rel="noreferrer", which instructs the user agent to not send a referrer.[11]

Another referrer hiding method is to convert the original link URL to a Data URI scheme-based URL containing small HTML page with a meta refresh to the original URL. When the user is redirected from the data: page, the original referrer is hidden. The first public implementation of this method is theDarefer app for ownCloud.[citation needed]

Upcoming Content Security Policy standard version 1.1 introduces a new referrer directive that allows more control over the browser's behavior in regards to the referrer header. Specifically it allows the webmaster to instruct the browser to block referrer at all, reveal it only when moving with the same origin etc.[12]

当访客访问网页时,HTTP来源地址 (referer 或 referring page) 是前一个网页URL。如果是图片的话,通常指的就是图片所在的网页。在网页浏览器送往网页服务器的时候,HTTP来源地址就被包含在HTTP请求方法中。


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