【Turing Award】Robin Milner And Butler W. Lampson
1991 罗宾·米尔纳(Robin Milner)
Robin Milner(13 January 1934 – 20 March 2010) Introduction :
Milner was born in Yealmpton, near Plymouth, England into a military family. He was awarded a scholarship to Eton College in 1947, and subsequently served in the Royal Engineers, attaining the rank of Second Lieutenant. He then enrolled at King's College, Cambridge, graduating in 1957. Milner first worked as a schoolteacher then as a programmer at Ferranti, before entering academia at City University, London, then Swansea University, Stanford University, and from 1973 at the University of Edinburgh, where he was a co-founder of the Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science (LFCS). He returned to Cambridge as the head of the Computer Laboratory in 1995 from which he eventually stepped down, although he was still at the laboratory. From 2009, Milner was a SICSA Advanced Research Fellow and held (part-time) the Chair of Computer Science at the University of Edinburgh.
Milner died of a heart attack on 20 March 2010 in Cambridge. His wife, Lucy, died shortly before him.
Robin Milner于1934年出生于Plymouth, 他是英国皇家学会成员,ACM会士。1952年,Milner毕业于剑桥大学King学院。剑桥大学毕业后,Milner先后就职于Ferranti公司,伦敦城市大学,Swansea大学,斯坦福大学。1973年,就任与University of Edinburgh. 1995年,Milner回到剑桥大学计算机实验室出任教授。
Awards Time:
1991年。第二十六位图灵奖 (1991年) 获得者 。
Honors and awards:
Milner is generally regarded as having made three major contributions to computer science. He developed LCF, one of the first tools for automated theorem proving. The language he developed for LCF,ML, was the first language with polymorphic type inference and type-safe exception handling. In a very different area, Milner also developed a theoretical framework for analyzing concurrent systems, the calculus of communicating systems (CCS), and its successor, the pi-calculus. At the time of his death, he was working on bigraphs, a formalism for ubiquitous computing subsuming CCS and the pi-calculus. He is also credited for rediscovering the Hindley–Milner type system.
He was made a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1988 and received the ACM Turing Award in 1991. In 1994 he was inducted as a Fellow of the ACM. In 2004, the Royal Society of Edinburgh awarded Milner with a Royal Medal for his "bringing about public benefits on a global scale". In 2008, he was elected a Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Engineering for "fundamental contributions to computer science, including the development of LCF, ML, CCS, and the pi-calculus."
图灵奖引用(Turing Award Citation) :
For three distinct and complete achievements:
1) LCF, the mechanization of Scott's Logic of Computable Functions, probably the first theoretically based yet practical tool for machine assisted proof construction;
2) ML, the first language to include polymorphic type inference together with a type-safe exception-handling mechanism;
3) CCS, a general theory of concurrency. In addition, he formulated and strongly advanced full abstraction, the study of the relationship between operational and denotational semantics.
中 文 翻 译 :
( 授 予 Robin Milner 图 灵 奖 以 表 彰 其 在 ) 三个研究领域的杰出的和完整性的成就:
1. LCF, 一个(Dana Scott)的可计算函数逻辑(Logic of Computable Functions)的实现机制,(可能)是第一个理论上和实践上都具备的计算机证明(数学)定理的工具。
2. ML, 第一个具有多态的类型推理和具有安全类型的异常处理机制的(编程)语言。
3. CCS, 一个并发系统的综合理论。
另外,Robin Milner在operational 和denotational的语义关系方面进行了公式化的描述和深入的研究。
1992 Butler W. Lampson
Butler W. Lampson(1943--)简介 :
Butler W. Lampson (born December 23, 1943) is an American computer scientist contributing to the development and implementation of distributed, personal computing. He is a Technical Fellow at Microsoft and an adjunct professor at MIT.
Lampson出生于1943年。1964年Lampson从哈佛大学获得其物理学士学位。1967年从UC Berkeley获得其电子工程与计算机科学的博士学位。
60年代,Lampson加入了UC Berkeley得GENIE项目。1965年,与Peter Deutsch一道,开发了SDS 940操作系统。
1970年,Lampson参与组建了著名的XEROX PARC研发中心。Lamson任职于举世闻名的计算机科学实验室(Computer Science Laboratory CSL)。
在PARC CSL工作其间,Lampson在个人计算机的发明领域做出了极大的贡献,并且是XEROX的D系列计算机的主要贡献者之一。
另外,Lampson也参与了许多PARC的著名的项目和发明工作,例如,激光打印机,WYSIWYG(所见即所得),以太网(Ethernet),局域网(Local Area Network),程序设计语言等等。
80年代,Lampson离开XEROX PAR,加入了DEC(digital Equipment Corporation),目前,Lampson任职于Microsoft的研发中心,同时Lampson也是MIT的兼职教授。
Awards Time:
1991年。第二十七位图灵奖 (1991年) 获得者 。
Honors and awards:
图灵奖引用(Turing Award Citation) :
For contributions to the development of distributed, personal computing environments and the technology for their implementation: workstations, networks, operating systems, programming systems, displays, security and document publishing.
中 文 翻 译 :
( 授予Butler W. Lampson 图灵奖以表彰其在)分布式计算环境,个人计算环境的研发和实现技术,其中包括:工作站,网络,操作系统,程序语言,(计算机)显示,(计算机)安全和(计算机)文档排版处理等。
注 :
Lampson是著名的XEROX PARC研发中心的创建者之一。通常认为,Lampson与其XEROX PARC的同事是第一个个人计算机的研发者。1972年,Lampson写下一个备忘录“Why Alto?”,被认为是个人计算机的一个早期的前瞻性的文献。
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