Given a string S and a string T, find the minimum window in S which will contain all the characters in T in complexity O(n).

For example,
T = "ABC"

Minimum window is "BANC".

If there is no such window in S that covers all characters in T, return the emtpy string "".

If there are multiple such windows, you are guaranteed that there will always be only one unique minimum window in S.


问题是两个关键时刻:1.T中所有字符都出现在子字符串中;2. 再往后挪就会不满足T中字符都在子串中的条件,该怎么被捕获。

使用两个HashMap可以实现。第一个HashMap, need记录关于T中所有字符的次数统计,在遍历S中作为标准,不会变化。第二个HashMap, found记录遍历过程中字符出现次数的动态变化。

条件2可以这么实现: 一旦发现found中当前字符(前提是存在于found中)的值已经等于need中的值,则停止start指针的遍历。否则可以继续遍历不过found中的值要-1。


     public String minWindow(String S, String T) {
return "";
HashMap<Character, Integer> need = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();
HashMap<Character, Integer> found = new HashMap<Character, Integer>(); for(int i=0;i<T.length();i++) {
char t = T.charAt(i);
if(!need.containsKey(t)) {
} else
need.put(t, need.get(t)+1);
int start = 0;
int end = 0;
int minStart = -1;
int minEnd = S.length();
int count = 0;
for(;end<S.length();end++) {
char t = S.charAt(end);
if(need.containsKey(t)) {
found.put(t, found.get(t)+1);
if(count==T.length()) {
for(;start<=end;start++) {
char t2 = S.charAt(start);
if(need.containsKey(t2)) {
found.put(t2, found.get(t2)-1);
if(end-start<minEnd-minStart) {
minStart = start;
minEnd = end;
return minStart==-1?"":S.substring(minStart,minEnd+1);

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