Getting Started
Getting Started
This document introduces some key V8 concepts and provides a hello world
example to get you started with V8 code.
This document is intended for C++ programmers who want to embed the V8 JavaScript engine within a C++ application.
Hello World
Let's look at a Hello World example that takes a JavaScript statement as a string argument, executes it as JavaScript code, and prints the result to standard out.
- int main(int argc,char* argv[]){
- // Create a string containing the JavaScript source code.
String source =String::New("'Hello' + ', World'");- // Compile the source code.
Script script =Script::Compile(source);
// Run the script to get the result.
Value result = script->Run();- // Convert the result to an ASCII string and print it.
String::AsciiValue ascii(result);
To actually run this example in V8, you also need to add handles, a handle scope, and a context:
- A handle is a pointer to an object. All V8 objects are accessed using handles, they are necessary because of the way the V8 garbage collector works.
- A scope can be thought of as a container for any number of handles. When you've finished with your handles, instead of deleting each one individually you can simply delete their scope.
- A context is an execution environment that allows separate, unrelated, JavaScript code to run in a single instance of V8. You must explicitly specify the context in which you want any JavaScript code to be run.
These concepts are discussed in greater detail in the Embedder's Guide.
The following example is the same as the one above, except now it includes handles, a context, and a scope - it also includes a namespace and the v8 header file:
- #include<v8.h>
- usingnamespace v8;
- int main(int argc,char* argv[]){
// Get the default Isolate created at startup.
Isolate* isolate =Isolate::GetCurrent();- // Create a stack-allocated handle scope.
HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);- // Create a new context.
Handle<Context> context =Context::New(isolate);- // Here's how you could create a Persistent handle to the context, if needed.
Persistent<Context> persistent_context(isolate, context);
// Enter the created context for compiling and
// running the hello world script.
Context::Scope context_scope(context);- // Create a string containing the JavaScript source code.
Handle<String> source =String::New("'Hello' + ', World!'");- // Compile the source code.
Handle<Script> script =Script::Compile(source);
// Run the script to get the result.
Handle<Value> result = script->Run();
// The persistent handle needs to be eventually disposed.
persistent_context.Dispose();- // Convert the result to an ASCII string and print it.
String::AsciiValue ascii(result);
Run the Example
Follow the steps below to run the example yourself:
- Download the V8 source code and build V8 by following the download and build instructions.
- Copy the complete code from the previous section (the second code snippet), paste it into your favorite text editor, and save as
in the V8 directory that was created during your V8 build. - Compile
, linking to the static libraries created in the build process. For example, on 64bit Linux using the GNU compiler:g++ -Iinclude -o hello_world out/x64.release/{base,snapshot}.a -lpthread
- Run the
executable file at the command line.
For example, on Linux, still in the V8 directory, type the following at the command line:./hello_world
- You will see
Hello, World!
Of course this is a very simple example and it's likely you'll want to do more than just execute scripts as strings! For more information see the Embedder's Guide.
Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.
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