
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h> #include "aqueue.h" #define MAX_NUM 100
typedef char node_type; typedef struct arc_node
int pos;
int distance;
struct arc_node * next;
} Arc_node;//保存Node节点的相邻节点信息 typedef struct node
node_type info;
Arc_node * next;
} Node;//保存节点信息 typedef struct graph
Node adjlist[MAX_NUM];
int vertexs, brim;
} Graph;//邻接表 static Arc_node * make_node(const int pos, const int distance)
Arc_node * new_node = (Arc_node *)malloc( sizeof(Arc_node) );
if ( new_node == NULL )
exit(); new_node->next = NULL;
new_node->distance = distance;
new_node->pos = pos; return new_node;
} void g_create(Graph * graph)
int num;
int i, j, k;
char c;
Arc_node * tmp; printf("输入节点个数:");
scanf("%d", &graph->vertexs);
for ( i = ; i < graph->vertexs; i++ )
scanf("%c", &graph->adjlist[i].info);
graph->adjlist[i].next = NULL;
graph->brim = ; for ( i = ; i < graph->vertexs; i++ )
printf("输入与节点%c相邻的节点和权值,#号键结束\n", graph->adjlist[i].info);
for ( j = ; j < graph->vertexs; j++ )
scanf("%c", &c);
if ( c == '#' )
scanf("%d", &num);
for ( k = ; k < graph->vertexs; k++ )
if ( graph->adjlist[k].info != c )
if ( graph->adjlist[k].next == NULL )
graph->adjlist[k].next = make_node(i, num);
tmp = graph->adjlist[k].next;
while ( tmp->next != NULL )
tmp = tmp->next;
tmp->next = make_node(i, num);
graph->brim /= ;
} static void dfs_graph(Graph * graph, bool visited[], const int i);
void g_depth_first_search(Graph * graph)
bool visited[graph->vertexs];
int i; for ( i = ; i < graph->vertexs; i++ )
visited[i] = false; visited[] = true;
dfs_graph(graph, visited, );
} static void dfs_graph(Graph * graph, bool visited[], const int i)
Arc_node * tmp;
printf("%c\t", graph->adjlist[i].info); tmp = graph->adjlist[i].next;
while ( tmp != NULL )
if ( !visited[tmp->pos] )
visited[tmp->pos] = true;
dfs_graph(graph, visited, tmp->pos);
tmp = tmp->next;
} void g_breadth_first_search(Graph * graph)
Queue queue;
bool visited[graph->vertexs];
int pos;
int i;
Arc_node * tmp; q_init(&queue);
for ( i = ; i < graph->vertexs; i++ )
visited[i] = false; visited[] = true;
q_push(&queue, );
while ( !q_empty(&queue) )
pos = q_front(&queue);
printf("%c\t", graph->adjlist[pos].info);
tmp = graph->adjlist[pos].next;
while ( tmp != NULL )
if ( !visited[tmp->pos] )
visited[tmp->pos] = true;
q_push(&queue, tmp->pos);
tmp = tmp->next;
} static void init_prim(Graph * graph, Graph * prim_tree);
void g_prim(Graph * graph, Graph * prim_tree)
bool visited[graph->vertexs];
int i, j, k;
int power, pos;
Arc_node * tmp; for ( i = ; i < graph->vertexs; i++ )
visited[i] = false;
init_prim(graph, prim_tree); visited[] = true;
for ( i = ; i < graph->vertexs; i++ )
power = INT_MAX;//limits.h
for ( j = ; j < graph->vertexs; j++ )
if ( visited[j] )
tmp = graph->adjlist[j].next;
while ( tmp != NULL )
if ( power > tmp->distance && !visited[tmp->pos] )
power = tmp->distance;
pos = tmp->pos;
k = j;
tmp = tmp->next;
if ( !visited[pos] )
if ( prim_tree->adjlist[k].next == NULL )
prim_tree->adjlist[k].next = make_node(pos, power);
tmp = prim_tree->adjlist[k].next;
while ( tmp->next != NULL )
tmp = tmp->next;
tmp->next = make_node(pos, power);
visited[pos] = true;
} static void init_prim(Graph * graph, Graph * prim_tree)
int i; for ( i = ; i < graph->vertexs; i++ )
prim_tree->adjlist[i].info = graph->adjlist[i].info;
prim_tree->adjlist[i].next = NULL;
prim_tree->vertexs = graph->vertexs;
prim_tree->brim = graph->brim;
} //kruskal
typedef struct
int head;
int tail;
int power;
} Edge;
static void init_kruskal(Graph * graph, Graph * kruskal_tree);
static void my_sort(Edge * arr, int size);
void kruskal(Graph * graph, Graph * kruskal_tree)
int visited[graph->vertexs];
int i, j;
Edge edge[graph->brim];
int v1, v2, vs1, vs2;
Arc_node * cur, * tmp; for ( i = ; i < graph->vertexs; i++ )
visited[i] = i; for ( i = , j = ; i < graph->vertexs; i++ )
cur = graph->adjlist[i].next;
while ( cur != NULL )
if ( cur->pos > i )
edge[j].head = i;
edge[j].tail = cur->pos;
edge[j].power = cur->distance;
cur = cur->next;
} init_kruskal(graph, kruskal_tree);
my_sort(edge, graph->brim); for ( i = ; i < graph->brim; i += )
v1 = edge[i].head;
v2 = edge[i].tail;
vs1 = visited[v1];
vs2 = visited[v2];
if ( vs1 != vs2 )
if ( kruskal_tree->adjlist[v1].next == NULL )
kruskal_tree->adjlist[v1].next = make_node(v2, edge[i].power);
tmp = kruskal_tree->adjlist[v1].next;
while ( tmp->next != NULL )
tmp = tmp->next;
tmp->next = make_node(v2, edge[i].power);
for ( j = ; j < graph->vertexs; j++ )
if ( visited[j] == vs2 )
visited[j] = vs1;
} static void init_kruskal(Graph * graph, Graph * kruskal_tree)
int i; kruskal_tree->vertexs = graph->vertexs;
kruskal_tree->brim = graph->brim; for ( i = ; i < graph->vertexs; i++ )
kruskal_tree->adjlist[i].info = graph->adjlist[i].info;
kruskal_tree->adjlist[i].next = NULL;
} static void my_sort(Edge * arr, int size)
int i, j;
Edge tmp; for ( i = ; i < size - ; i++ )
for ( j = i + ; j < size; j++ )
if ( arr[i].power > arr[j].power )
tmp.head = arr[i].head;
tmp.tail = arr[i].tail;
tmp.power = arr[i].power; arr[i].head = arr[j].head;
arr[i].tail = arr[j].tail;
arr[i].power = arr[j].power; arr[j].head = tmp.head;
arr[j].tail = tmp.tail;
arr[j].power = tmp.power;
} int main(void)
Graph graph;
Graph prim_tree;
Graph kruskal_tree;
Arc_node * node;
int i; g_create(&graph); printf("brim = %d\n", graph.brim);
for ( i = ; i < graph.vertexs; i++ )
printf("%c\t", graph.adjlist[i].info);
node = graph.adjlist[i].next;
while ( node != NULL )
printf("%d %d\t", node->distance, node->pos);
node = node->next;
printf("\n"); // g_depth_first_search(&graph);
// printf("\n");
// g_breadth_first_search(&graph); kruskal(&graph, &kruskal_tree);
printf("brim = %d\n", kruskal_tree.brim);
for ( i = ; i < kruskal_tree.vertexs; i++ )
printf("%c\t", kruskal_tree.adjlist[i].info);
node = kruskal_tree.adjlist[i].next;
while ( node != NULL )
printf("%d %d\t", node->distance, node->pos);
node = node->next;
printf("\n"); return ;


#ifndef _QUEUE_H
#define _QUEUE_H #define MAXSIZE 10 typedef struct queue
int * arr;
int front;
int rear;
} Queue; void q_init(Queue * queue);//初始化
void q_push(Queue * queue, const int data);//入队
void q_pop(Queue * queue);//出队
bool q_empty(Queue * queue);//为空
bool q_full(Queue * queue);//为满
int q_size(Queue * queue);//队大小
int q_front(Queue * queue);//队头元素
int q_back(Queue * queue);//队尾元素
void q_destroy(Queue * queue);//销毁 #endif //_QUEUE_h


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h> #include "aqueue.h" void q_init(Queue * queue)
queue->arr = (int *)malloc( sizeof(int) * MAXSIZE );//初始化数组
assert(queue->arr != NULL);
queue->front = ;
queue->rear = ;
} void q_push(Queue * queue, const int data)
if ( q_full(queue) )
queue->arr[queue->rear++] = data;//入队,队尾+1
queue->rear = queue->rear % MAXSIZE;//如果队尾
} void q_pop(Queue * queue)
if ( q_empty(queue) )
queue->front = ++queue->front % MAXSIZE;//front+1,对MAXSIZE取余
} bool q_empty(Queue * queue)
return queue->front == queue->rear;
} bool q_full(Queue * queue)
return queue->front == (queue->rear + ) % MAXSIZE;
} int q_size(Queue * queue)
return (queue->rear - queue->front) % MAXSIZE;
} int q_front(Queue * queue)
assert( !q_empty(queue) );
return queue->arr[queue->front];
} int q_back(Queue * queue)
assert( !q_empty(queue) );
return queue->arr[queue->rear - ];
} void q_destroy(Queue * queue)


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