
错误信息:G:\XamarinDemo\Xamarin.Forms-master\packages\Xamarin.Android.Support.Vector.Drawable.23.3.0\build\Xamarin.Android.Support.Vector.Drawable.targets(40,5): error : An outdated of ‘Android SDK Build-tools’ is in use which this version of Android Support Library does not support.  You must uninstall any ‘Android SDK Build-tools’ versions older than 23.0.0 from the ‘Tools’ section in your ‘Android SDK Manager’
(1)在Android SDK Manager中,卸载老版本的Build-tools。
< PropertyGroup> <AndroidSdkBuildToolsVersion> 23.0.3 </AndroidSdkBuildToolsVersion> </PropertyGroup>


  1. UNITY 打包时提示sdk tools 或 sdk build tools版本低时可以直接点update 按钮进行更新

    如题.如果不更新,而选择 : use newest version installed ,打包到结尾时可能会报错,莫名其妙的java错误 而且,SDK一旦被更新后,其所在目录的 SDK MANAGER ...

  2. Android Gradle插件(plugin)版本(version)与Gradle、SDK Build Tools版本关系

    具体关系如下图: 比如,Android Studio 2.0发布,其中有个新功能“Instant Run”,需要Android Gradle Plugin版本2.0.0以上,那么我们项目的.gradl ...

  3. Error:The SDK Build Tools revision (19.0.3) is too low for project ':app'. Minimum required is 19.1.

    今天更新了一下AndroidStudio, 结果编译程序时报错, 错误如下: Error:The SDK Build Tools revision (19.0.3) is too low for pr ...

  4. androidstudio导入新项目build tools不符合问题解决

    问题描述:从网上或者其他地方拷贝来完整代码导入androidstudio的时候,gradle过程显示build tools不符合 问题分析:你安装的SDK版本可能与其他人不一样,那么build的工具也 ...

  5. Xamarin Android项目提示SDK版本太老

    Xamarin Android项目提示SDK版本太老 错误信息:The installed Android SDK is too old.Version 24.3.4 or newer is requ ...

  6. VS2013下开发VC++程序,编译时提示错误error MSB8020: The build tools for v140 (Platform Toolset = 'v140') 的解决方案

    1. 问题描述: 提示如下错误:error MSB8020: The builds tools for v140 (Platform Toolset = 'v140') cannot be found ...

  7. install build tools 25.0.2 and sync the project

    install build tools 25.0.2 and sync the project in android studio bundle.gradle,将buildToolsVersion修改 ...

  8. jupyter 安装问题 building 'zmq.libzmq' extension error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required. Get it with "Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools": http://landinghub.visualstudio.com/visual-cpp-build-tools

    1.用pip install jupyter 安装到一半就报错 错误提示: building 'zmq.libzmq' extension error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14 ...

  9. VS报错:The build tools for v140 (Platform Toolset = 'v140') cannot be found

    VS低版本打开高版本常会出现的错: The build tools for v140 (Platform Toolset = 'v140') cannot be found. To build usi ...


  1. Array和ArrayList互相转换

    class Order{ public string orderId; public string orderName; public decimal orderPrice; } public cla ...

  2. TopCoder SRM 590

     第一次做TC,不太习惯,各种调试,只做了一题...... Problem Statement     Fox Ciel is going to play Gomoku with her friend ...

  3. Ninth scrum meeting - 2015/11/3

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  4. previous_changes方法

    [27] pry(main)> c = Channel.find 6 => #<Channel id: 6, title: "会员", cid: "96 ...

  5. Delphi与C语言类型转换对照

    When converting C function prototypes to Pascal equivalent declarations, it's important to substitut ...

  6. SNMP协议

           SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol,SNMP)简单网络管理协议,其定义了传送管理信息的协议消息格式及管理站和设备代理相互之间进行消息传送的规程 ...

  7. CF#310 d2

    A:|c[1]-c[0]| B:A+-(oc)A[0]==0..n-1 C: #include <cstdio> int n,m,i,j,k,p; int ll,ca,cb,cc; int ...

  8. 07 DAY 1

    壮烈的一天... 第一题 本意是水题,然后写了块状数组模拟,最后发现算法错了... 然后其实快排一遍扫一遍完事... 100分 #include <cstdio> #include < ...

  9. 【Other】千字文 硬笔 楷书 字帖

    <千字文>是我国最优秀的一篇训蒙教材,用一千个汉字勾划出一部完整的中国文化史的基本轮廓,代表了中国传统教育启蒙阶段的最高水平.<千字文>通篇首尾连贯,音韵谐美,读起来朗朗上口, ...

  10. mysql lower,upper实现大小写

    mysql的lower和uppper函数可以将指定字符串转换为小写和大写 select lower('OutSpringTd') as lowerCase, upper('OutSpringTd') ...