import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date; /**
* @author ljb
* @version 1.0 2015-07-10
public class DateTools {
* 国际标准
* 一周是从 周日开始计算
public static int WEEK_OF_ISO=0;
* 中国标准
* 一周是重周一开始计算
public static int WEEK_OF_GBK=1;
private int local_GMP=DateTools.WEEK_OF_GBK;
* 构造函数默认的每周是从 周一到周日
public DateTools(){ }
* 构造函数
* @param GMP 标准类型 WEEK_OF_GBK中国标准 WEEK_OF_ISO国际标准
public DateTools(int GMP){
* 获得当前时间并且以String类型返回。
* @return
* @return 返回的时间格式yyyyMMddHHmmss。
public String getDate() {
return getDate("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
} /**
* 获得当前时间。时间格式根据fmt进行格式化
* @param fmt
* 日期格式
* @return 返回的时间格式根据fmt格式生成
public String getDate(String fmt) {
Date myDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
SimpleDateFormat sDateformat = new SimpleDateFormat(fmt);
return sDateformat.format(myDate).toString();
} private Calendar getCal(String strdate, String fmt) {
Calendar cal = null;
try {
if ((strdate != null) && (fmt != null)) { SimpleDateFormat nowDate = new SimpleDateFormat(fmt);
Date d = nowDate.parse(strdate, new ParsePosition(0));
if (d != null) {
cal = Calendar.getInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
return cal;
} /**
* 计算 当前日期是本年的第几周
* @param strdate
* 计算日期
* @param fmt
* 日期格式
* @return strdate说在年份中有几周,如果strdate的格式为yyyy则默认为当年的1月1日
public int getWeekOfYear(String strdate, String fmt) {
int ret = -1;
try {
if ((strdate != null) && (fmt != null)) { Calendar cal = getCal(strdate, fmt);
if (cal != null) { ret = cal.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR);
} catch (Exception e) {
return ret;
} /**
* 计算给定日期所在周的全部日期
* @param strdate
* 指定日期
* @param oldfmt
* 自定日期格式
* @param newfmt
* 输出格式
* @return 结果数组形式输出所在周的日期。指定日期的格式为yyyy或yyyyMM将计算出当年第一周或当月第一周的日期
public String[] getWeekDay(String strdate, String oldfmt, String newfmt) {
String[] weekday = new String[7];
try {
if ((strdate != null) && (oldfmt != null) && (newfmt != null)) {
Calendar cal = getCal(strdate, oldfmt);
if (cal != null) {
int dayOfWeek = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
dayOfWeek = -dayOfWeek + 1+this.local_GMP;
if (dayOfWeek > 0) {
dayOfWeek = -6;
cal.add(Calendar.DATE, dayOfWeek);
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(newfmt);
weekday[0] = sdf.format(cal.getTime());
for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
cal.add(5, 1);
weekday[i] = sdf.format(cal.getTime());
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException iobe) {
return weekday;
} /**
* 计算给定周内的全部日期
* @param year
* 年
* @param week
* 给定第几周 * @param newfmt * 返回值格式 * @return 结果数组形式输出所在周的日期。 */ public String[] getWeekDate(String year, int week, String newfmt) { String[] jweekday = new String[7]; try { if ((year != null) && (year.length() == 4) && (week > 0) && (newfmt != null)) { Calendar cal = getCal(year + "0101", "yyyyMMdd"); if (cal != null) { week--; cal.add(5, week * 7 - cal.get(7) + 2); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(newfmt); jweekday[0] = sdf.format(cal.getTime()); for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) { cal.add(5, 1); jweekday[i] = sdf.format(cal.getTime()); } } } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException iobe) { iobe.printStackTrace(); } return jweekday; } /** * 计算指定日期是星期几 * * @param strdate * 指定日期 * @param oldfmt * 指定日期格式 * @param fmt * 输出格式 * @return 返回结果为fmt+结果。 */ public String getDayOfWeek(String strdate, String oldfmt, String fmt) { String sWeek = null; try { if ((strdate != null) && (oldfmt != null) && (fmt != null)) { Calendar cal = getCal(strdate, oldfmt); if (cal != null) { int iWeek = cal.get(7); sWeek = fmt + (iWeek - 1 == 0 ? 7 : iWeek - 1); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return sWeek; } /** * 计算指定年共有多少周 * * @param year * 指定年 格式yyyy * @return 返回周数 */ public int getWeekNum(String year) { int weeknum = -1; try { if (year != null) { Calendar cal = getCal(year + "1231", "yyyyMMdd"); if (cal != null) { if (cal.get(3) == 1) cal.add(5, -7); weeknum = cal.get(3); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return weeknum; } /** * 计算两个给定的时间之差 * * @param startdate * 开始日期 * @param enddate * 结束日期 * @param fmt * 日期格式 * @param refmt * 返回值格式 ms毫秒 s秒 m分 h小时 d天 * @return 返回值 */ public String cntTimeDifference(String startdate, String enddate, String fmt, String refmt) { String ret = null; try { if ((startdate != null) && (enddate != null) && (fmt != null) && (refmt != null)) { Date scal = getCal(startdate, fmt).getTime(); Date ecal = getCal(enddate, fmt).getTime(); if ((scal == null) || (ecal == null)) { return null; } else { long diffMillis = ecal.getTime() - scal.getTime(); long diffSecs = diffMillis / 1000L; long diffMins = diffMillis / 60000L; long diffHours = diffMillis / 3600000L; long diffDays = diffMillis / 86400000L; if (refmt.equals("ms")) ret = Long.toString(diffMillis); else if (refmt.equals("s")) ret = Long.toString(diffSecs); else if (refmt.equals("m")) ret = Long.toString(diffMins); else if (refmt.equals("h")) ret = Long.toString(diffHours); else if (refmt.equals("d")) ret = Long.toString(diffDays); else ret = Long.toString(diffHours); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ret; } /** * 计算指定日期经过多少分钟后的日期 * * @param deftime * 自定日期 * @param oldfmt * 日期格式 * @param timediff * 分钟为单位 * @param newfmt * 返回值的格式 * @return 返回日期,timediff >0向前计算,timediff<0向后计算 */ public String getBeforeTime(String deftime, String oldfmt, int timediff, String newfmt) { String rq = null; try { if ((deftime != null) && (!deftime.equals(""))) { Calendar cal = getCal(deftime, oldfmt); if (cal != null) { cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, -timediff); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(newfmt); rq = sdf.format(cal.getTime()); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rq; } /** * 计算指定日期经过多少小时后的日期 * * @param deftime * 自定日期 * @param oldfmt * 日期格式 * @param timediff * 小时为单位 * @param newfmt * 返回值的格式 * @return 返回日期,timediff >0向前计算,timediff<0向后计算 */ public String getBeforeTimeByH(String deftime, String oldfmt, int timediff, String newfmt) { String rq = null; try { if ((deftime != null) && (!deftime.equals(""))) { Calendar cal = getCal(deftime, oldfmt); if (cal != null) { cal.add(12, -timediff * 60); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(newfmt); rq = sdf.format(cal.getTime()); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rq; } /** * 计算指定日期经过多少月后的日期 * * @param deftime * 自定日期 * @param oldfmt * 日期格式 * @param timediff * 月为单位 * @param newfmt * 返回值的格式 * @return 返回日期,timediff >0向前计算,timediff<0向后计算 */ public String getBeforeTimeByM(String deftime, String oldfmt, int timediff, String newfmt) { String rq = null; try { if ((deftime != null) && (!deftime.equals(""))) { Calendar cal = getCal(deftime, oldfmt); if (cal != null) { cal.add(2, -timediff); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(newfmt); rq = sdf.format(cal.getTime()); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rq; } /** * 日期格式化 * * @param mydate * 日期 * @param oldfmt * 旧格式 * @param newfmt * 新格式 * @return 返回值的格式根据newfmt根式返回 */ public String fmtDate(String mydate, String oldfmt, String newfmt) { String restr = null; try { if ((mydate != null) && (oldfmt != null) && (newfmt != null)) { SimpleDateFormat newDate = new SimpleDateFormat(newfmt); Calendar cal = getCal(mydate, oldfmt); if (cal != null) { restr = newDate.format(cal.getTime()); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return restr; } /** * 将文字行的date格式成Date类型 * @param mydate * @param fmt * @return */ public Date fmtDate(String myDate,String fmt){ Date newDate=null; if((myDate != null) && (fmt != null)){ Calendar cal = getCal(myDate, fmt); newDate=cal.getTime(); } return newDate; } public String fmtDate(Date myDate,String fmt){ String newDate=""; SimpleDateFormat sDateformat = new SimpleDateFormat(fmt); newDate= sDateformat.format(myDate).toString(); return newDate; } public String fmtDate(Long myDate,String fmt){ Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTimeInMillis(myDate); DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(fmt); return formatter.format(calendar.getTime()); } /*public static void main(String[] args){ DateTools dt = new DateTools(); System.out.print(dt.fmtDate(1462878420000l,"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); }*/ /** * 计算某年某月有多少天 * @param year * @return */ public int getMonthDays(int year,int month){ if(month>12||month<1){ throw new RuntimeException("month is error "+month); } String bigmonth="1,3,5,7,8,10,12"; String smallmonth="4,6,9,11"; if(bigmonth.indexOf(month+"")>-1){ return 31; } if(smallmonth.indexOf(month+"")>-1){ return 30; } if(year%400==0||(year%4==0&&year%100!=0)){ return 29; }else{ return 28; } }}
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