0. 准备相关表来进行接下来的测试
| id | user_name | comment | mobile |
| 1 | 唐僧 | 旃檀功德佛 | 138245623,021-382349 |
| 2 | 孙悟空 | 斗战胜佛 | 159384292,022-483432,+86-392432 |
| 3 | 猪八戒 | 净坛使者 | 183208243,055-8234234 |
| 4 | 沙僧 | 金身罗汉 | 293842295,098-2383429 |
| 5 | NULL | 白龙马 | 993267899 |
+----+-----------+-----------------+---------------------------------+ user2表,悟空的朋友圈
| id | user_name | comment |
| 1 | 孙悟空 | 美猴王 |
| 2 | 牛魔王 | 牛哥 |
| 3 | 铁扇公主 | 牛夫人 |
| 4 | 菩提老祖 | 葡萄 |
| 5 | NULL | 晶晶 |
+----+--------------+-----------+ user1_kills表,取经路上杀的妖怪数量
| id | user_name | timestr | kills |
| 1 | 孙悟空 | 2013-01-10 00:00:00 | 10 |
| 2 | 孙悟空 | 2013-02-01 00:00:00 | 2 |
| 3 | 孙悟空 | 2013-02-05 00:00:00 | 12 |
| 4 | 孙悟空 | 2013-02-12 00:00:00 | 22 |
| 5 | 猪八戒 | 2013-01-11 00:00:00 | 20 |
| 6 | 猪八戒 | 2013-02-07 00:00:00 | 17 |
| 7 | 猪八戒 | 2013-02-08 00:00:00 | 35 |
| 8 | 沙僧 | 2013-01-10 00:00:00 | 3 |
| 9 | 沙僧 | 2013-01-22 00:00:00 | 9 |
| 10 | 沙僧 | 2013-02-11 00:00:00 | 5 |
+----+-----------+---------------------+-------+ user1_equipment表,取经组装备
| id | user_name | arms | clothing | shoe |
| 1 | 唐僧 | 九环锡杖 | 锦斓袈裟 | 僧鞋 |
| 2 | 孙悟空 | 金箍棒 | 梭子黄金甲 | 藕丝步云履 |
| 3 | 猪八戒 | 九齿钉耙 | 僧衣 | 僧鞋 |
| 4 | 沙僧 | 降妖宝杖 | 僧衣 | 僧鞋 |
1. 使用left join优化not in子句
| id | user_name | comment | mobile |
| 1 | 唐僧 | 旃檀功德佛 | 138245623,021-382349 |
| 3 | 猪八戒 | 净坛使者 | 183208243,055-8234234 |
| 4 | 沙僧 | 金身罗汉 | 293842295,098-2383429 |
not in写法:
select * from user1 a where a.user_name not in (select user_name from user2 where user_name is not null);
left join写法:
select a.*, b.* from user1 a left join user2 b on (a.user_name = b.user_name);
| id | user_name | comment | mobile | id | user_name | comment |
| 2 | 孙悟空 | 斗战胜佛 | 159384292,022-483432,+86-392432 | 1 | 孙悟空 | 美猴王 |
| 1 | 唐僧 | 旃檀功德佛 | 138245623,021-382349 | NULL | NULL | NULL |
| 3 | 猪八戒 | 净坛使者 | 183208243,055-8234234 | NULL | NULL | NULL |
| 4 | 沙僧 | 金身罗汉 | 293842295,098-2383429 | NULL | NULL | NULL |
| 5 | NULL | 白龙马 | 993267899 | NULL | NULL | NULL |
可以看到a表中的所有数据都有显示,b表中的数据只有b.user_name与a.user_name相等才显示,其余都以null值填充,要想找出取经组中不属于悟空朋友圈的人,只需要在b.user_name中加一个过滤条件b.user_name is null即可。
select a.* from user1 a left join user2 b on (a.user_name = b.user_name) where b.user_name is null;
| id | user_name | comment | mobile |
| 1 | 唐僧 | 旃檀功德佛 | 138245623,021-382349 |
| 3 | 猪八戒 | 净坛使者 | 183208243,055-8234234 |
| 4 | 沙僧 | 金身罗汉 | 293842295,098-2383429 |
| 5 | NULL | 白龙马 | 993267899 |
看到这里发现结果集中还多了一个白龙马,继续添加过滤条件a.user_name is not null即可。
select a.* from user1 a left join user2 b on (a.user_name = b.user_name) where b.user_name is null and a.user_name is not null;
2. 使用left join优化标量子查询
| user_name | comment | comment2 |
| 唐僧 | 旃檀功德佛 | NULL |
| 孙悟空 | 斗战胜佛 | 美猴王 |
| 猪八戒 | 净坛使者 | NULL |
| 沙僧 | 金身罗汉 | NULL |
| NULL | 白龙马 | NULL |
select a.user_name, a.comment, (select comment from user2 b where b.user_name = a.user_name) comment2 from user1 a;
left join写法:
select a.user_name, a.comment, b.comment comment2 from user1 a left join user2 b on (a.user_name = b.user_name);
3. 使用join优化聚合子查询
| id | user_name | timestr | kills |
| 4 | 孙悟空 | 2013-02-12 00:00:00 | 22 |
| 7 | 猪八戒 | 2013-02-08 00:00:00 | 35 |
| 9 | 沙僧 | 2013-01-22 00:00:00 | 9 |
select * from user1_kills a where a.kills = (select max(b.kills) from user1_kills b where b.user_name = a.user_name);
select a.*, b.* from user1_kills a join user1_kills b on (a.user_name = b.user_name) order by 1;
| id | user_name | timestr | kills | id | user_name | timestr | kills |
| 5 | 猪八戒 | 2013-01-11 00:00:00 | 20 | 5 | 猪八戒 | 2013-01-11 00:00:00 | 20 |
| 5 | 猪八戒 | 2013-01-11 00:00:00 | 20 | 6 | 猪八戒 | 2013-02-07 00:00:00 | 17 |
| 5 | 猪八戒 | 2013-01-11 00:00:00 | 20 | 7 | 猪八戒 | 2013-02-08 00:00:00 | 35 |
| 6 | 猪八戒 | 2013-02-07 00:00:00 | 17 | 7 | 猪八戒 | 2013-02-08 00:00:00 | 35 |
| 6 | 猪八戒 | 2013-02-07 00:00:00 | 17 | 5 | 猪八戒 | 2013-01-11 00:00:00 | 20 |
| 6 | 猪八戒 | 2013-02-07 00:00:00 | 17 | 6 | 猪八戒 | 2013-02-07 00:00:00 | 17 |
| 7 | 猪八戒 | 2013-02-08 00:00:00 | 35 | 5 | 猪八戒 | 2013-01-11 00:00:00 | 20 |
| 7 | 猪八戒 | 2013-02-08 00:00:00 | 35 | 6 | 猪八戒 | 2013-02-07 00:00:00 | 17 |
| 7 | 猪八戒 | 2013-02-08 00:00:00 | 35 | 7 | 猪八戒 | 2013-02-08 00:00:00 | 35 |
可以看到当两表通过user_name进行自关联,只需要对a表的所有字段进行一个group by,取b表中的max(kills),只要a.kills=max(b.kills)就满足要求了。sql如下
select a.* from user1_kills a join user1_kills b on (a.user_name = b.user_name) group by, a.user_name, a.timestr, a.kills having a.kills = max(b.kills);
4. 使用join进行分组选择
| id | user_name | timestr | kills |
| 3 | 孙悟空 | 2013-02-05 00:00:00 | 12 |
| 4 | 孙悟空 | 2013-02-12 00:00:00 | 22 |
| 5 | 猪八戒 | 2013-01-11 00:00:00 | 20 |
| 7 | 猪八戒 | 2013-02-08 00:00:00 | 35 |
| 9 | 沙僧 | 2013-01-22 00:00:00 | 9 |
| 10 | 沙僧 | 2013-02-11 00:00:00 | 5 |
select b.* from (select a.*, row_number() over(partition by user_name order by kills desc) cnt from user1_kills a) b where b.cnt <= 2;
很遗憾,上面sql在mysql中报错ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; 因为mysql并不支持分析函数。不过可以通过下面的方式去实现。
select a.*, b.* from user1_kills a join user1_kills b on (a.user_name=b.user_name and a.kills<=b.kills) order by a.user_name, a.kills desc;
| id | user_name | timestr | kills | id | user_name | timestr | kills |
| 4 | 孙悟空 | 2013-02-12 00:00:00 | 22 | 4 | 孙悟空 | 2013-02-12 00:00:00 | 22 |
| 3 | 孙悟空 | 2013-02-05 00:00:00 | 12 | 3 | 孙悟空 | 2013-02-05 00:00:00 | 12 |
| 3 | 孙悟空 | 2013-02-05 00:00:00 | 12 | 4 | 孙悟空 | 2013-02-12 00:00:00 | 22 |
| 1 | 孙悟空 | 2013-01-10 00:00:00 | 10 | 1 | 孙悟空 | 2013-01-10 00:00:00 | 10 |
| 1 | 孙悟空 | 2013-01-10 00:00:00 | 10 | 3 | 孙悟空 | 2013-02-05 00:00:00 | 12 |
| 1 | 孙悟空 | 2013-01-10 00:00:00 | 10 | 4 | 孙悟空 | 2013-02-12 00:00:00 | 22 |
| 2 | 孙悟空 | 2013-02-01 00:00:00 | 2 | 1 | 孙悟空 | 2013-01-10 00:00:00 | 10 |
| 2 | 孙悟空 | 2013-02-01 00:00:00 | 2 | 3 | 孙悟空 | 2013-02-05 00:00:00 | 12 |
| 2 | 孙悟空 | 2013-02-01 00:00:00 | 2 | 4 | 孙悟空 | 2013-02-12 00:00:00 | 22 |
| 2 | 孙悟空 | 2013-02-01 00:00:00 | 2 | 2 | 孙悟空 | 2013-02-01 00:00:00 | 2 |
从上面的表中我们知道孙悟空打怪前两名的数量是22和12,那么只需要对a表的所有字段进行一个group by,对b表的id做个count,count值小于等于2就满足要求,sql改写如下:
select a.* from user1_kills a join user1_kills b on (a.user_name=b.user_name and a.kills<=b.kills) group by, a.user_name, a.timestr, a.kills having count( <= 2;
5. 使用笛卡尔积关联实现一列转多行
| user_name | mobile |
| 唐僧 | 138245623,021-382349 |
| 孙悟空 | 159384292,022-483432,+86-392432 |
| 猪八戒 | 183208243,055-8234234 |
| 沙僧 | 293842295,098-2383429 |
| NULL | 993267899 |
| user_name | mobile |
| 唐僧 | 138245623 |
| 唐僧 | 021-382349 |
| 孙悟空 | 159384292 |
| 孙悟空 | 022-483432 |
| 孙悟空 | +86-392432 |
| 猪八戒 | 183208243 |
| 猪八戒 | 055-8234234 |
| 沙僧 | 293842295 |
| 沙僧 | 098-2383429 |
| NULL | 993267899 |
select, b.* from tb_sequence a cross join (select user_name, mobile, length(mobile)-length(replace(mobile, ',', ''))+1 size from user1) b order by 2,1;
| id | user_name | mobile | size |
| 1 | 唐僧 | 138245623,021-382349 | 2 |
| 2 | 唐僧 | 138245623,021-382349 | 2 |
| 3 | 唐僧 | 138245623,021-382349 | 2 |
| 4 | 唐僧 | 138245623,021-382349 | 2 |
| 5 | 唐僧 | 138245623,021-382349 | 2 |
| 6 | 唐僧 | 138245623,021-382349 | 2 |
| 7 | 唐僧 | 138245623,021-382349 | 2 |
| 8 | 唐僧 | 138245623,021-382349 | 2 |
| 9 | 唐僧 | 138245623,021-382349 | 2 |
| 10 | 唐僧 | 138245623,021-382349 | 2 |
a.id对应的就是第几个电话号码,size就是总的电话号码数量,因此可以加上关联条件( <= b.size),将上面的sql继续调整
select b.user_name, replace(substring(substring_index(, ',',, char_length(substring_index(mobile, ',', + 1), ',', '') as mobile from tb_sequence a cross join (select user_name, concat(mobile, ',') as mobile, length(mobile)-length(replace(mobile, ',', ''))+1 size from user1) b on ( <= b.size);
6. 使用笛卡尔积关联实现多列转多行
| id | user_name | arms | clothing | shoe |
| 1 | 唐僧 | 九环锡杖 | 锦斓袈裟 | 僧鞋 |
| 2 | 孙悟空 | 金箍棒 | 梭子黄金甲 | 藕丝步云履 |
| 3 | 猪八戒 | 九齿钉耙 | 僧衣 | 僧鞋 |
| 4 | 沙僧 | 降妖宝杖 | 僧衣 | 僧鞋 |
| user_name | equipment | equip_mame |
| 唐僧 | arms | 九环锡杖 |
| 唐僧 | clothing | 锦斓袈裟 |
| 唐僧 | shoe | 僧鞋 |
| 孙悟空 | arms | 金箍棒 |
| 孙悟空 | clothing | 梭子黄金甲 |
| 孙悟空 | shoe | 藕丝步云履 |
| 沙僧 | arms | 降妖宝杖 |
| 沙僧 | clothing | 僧衣 |
| 沙僧 | shoe | 僧鞋 |
| 猪八戒 | arms | 九齿钉耙 |
| 猪八戒 | clothing | 僧衣 |
| 猪八戒 | shoe | 僧鞋 |
select user_name, 'arms' as equipment, arms equip_mame from user1_equipment
union all
select user_name, 'clothing' as equipment, clothing equip_mame from user1_equipment
union all
select user_name, 'shoe' as equipment, shoe equip_mame from user1_equipment
order by 1, 2;
select a.*, b.* from user1_equipment a cross join tb_sequence b where <= 3;
| id | user_name | arms | clothing | shoe | id |
| 1 | 唐僧 | 九环锡杖 | 锦斓袈裟 | 僧鞋 | 1 |
| 1 | 唐僧 | 九环锡杖 | 锦斓袈裟 | 僧鞋 | 2 |
| 1 | 唐僧 | 九环锡杖 | 锦斓袈裟 | 僧鞋 | 3 |
select user_name,
case when = 1 then 'arms'
when = 2 then 'clothing'
when = 3 then 'shoe' end as equipment,
case when = 1 then arms end arms,
case when = 2 then clothing end clothing,
case when = 3 then shoe end shoe
from user1_equipment a cross join tb_sequence b where <=3;
| user_name | equipment | arms | clothing | shoe |
| 唐僧 | arms | 九环锡杖 | NULL | NULL |
| 唐僧 | clothing | NULL | 锦斓袈裟 | NULL |
| 唐僧 | shoe | NULL | NULL | 僧鞋 |
select user_name,
case when = 1 then 'arms'
when = 2 then 'clothing'
when = 3 then 'shoe' end as equipment,
coalesce(case when = 1 then arms end,
case when = 2 then clothing end,
case when = 3 then shoe end) equip_mame
from user1_equipment a cross join tb_sequence b where <=3 order by 1, 2;
7. 使用join更新过滤条件中包含自身的表
update user1 set comment = '此人在悟空的朋友圈' where user_name in (select a.user_name from user1 a join user2 b on (a.user_name = b.user_name));
很遗憾,上面sql在mysql中报错:ERROR 1093 (HY000): You can't specify target table 'user1' for update in FROM clause,提示不能更新目标表在from子句的表。
select c.*, d.* from user1 c join (select a.user_name from user1 a join user2 b on (a.user_name = b.user_name)) d on (c.user_name = d.user_name);
| id | user_name | comment | mobile | user_name |
| 2 | 孙悟空 | 斗战胜佛 | 159384292,022-483432,+86-392432 | 孙悟空 |
update user1 c join (select a.user_name from user1 a join user2 b on (a.user_name = b.user_name)) d on (c.user_name = d.user_name) set c.comment = '此人在悟空的朋友圈';
select * from user1;
| id | user_name | comment | mobile |
| 1 | 唐僧 | 旃檀功德佛 | 138245623,021-382349 |
| 2 | 孙悟空 | 此人在悟空的朋友圈 | 159384292,022-483432,+86-392432 |
| 3 | 猪八戒 | 净坛使者 | 183208243,055-8234234 |
| 4 | 沙僧 | 金身罗汉 | 293842295,098-2383429 |
| 5 | NULL | 白龙马 | 993267899 |
8. 使用join删除重复数据
insert into user2(user_name, comment) values ('孙悟空', '美猴王');
insert into user2(user_name, comment) values ('牛魔王', '牛哥');
| id | user_name | comment |
| 1 | 孙悟空 | 美猴王 |
| 2 | 牛魔王 | 牛哥 |
| 3 | 铁扇公主 | 牛夫人 |
| 4 | 菩提老祖 | 葡萄 |
| 5 | NULL | 晶晶 |
| 6 | 孙悟空 | 美猴王 |
| 7 | 牛魔王 | 牛哥 |
select a.*, b.* from user2 a join (select user_name, comment, max(id) id from user2 group by user_name, comment having count(*) > 1) b on (a.user_name=b.user_name and a.comment=b.comment) order by 2;
| id | user_name | comment | user_name | comment | id |
| 1 | 孙悟空 | 美猴王 | 孙悟空 | 美猴王 | 6 |
| 6 | 孙悟空 | 美猴王 | 孙悟空 | 美猴王 | 6 |
| 2 | 牛魔王 | 牛哥 | 牛魔王 | 牛哥 | 7 |
| 7 | 牛魔王 | 牛哥 | 牛魔王 | 牛哥 | 7 |
接着只需要删除( <的数据即可
delete a from user2 a join (select user_name, comment, max(id) id from user2 group by user_name, comment having count(*) > 1) b on (a.user_name=b.user_name and a.comment=b.comment) where <;
select * from user2;
| id | user_name | comment |
| 3 | 铁扇公主 | 牛夫人 |
| 4 | 菩提老祖 | 葡萄 |
| 5 | NULL | 晶晶 |
| 6 | 孙悟空 | 美猴王 |
| 7 | 牛魔王 | 牛哥 |
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说明 IDEA里有一个万能快捷键(alt enter),功能非常强大,同一个快捷键,可以根据不同的语境提示你不同的操作, 很多人可能还不了解这些功能,在处理代码的时候还手动处理,了解这些技巧之后,你编 ...
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题目链接: 分析: 我们可以用一个单调栈由低到高来存储它的高度,并用数组对每个高度记录一下它前面(包括它自己)一 ...
- 字符串的排列(剑指offer)
题目描述: 输入一个字符串,按字典序打印出该字符串中字符的所有排列.例如输入字符串abc,则打印出由字符a,b,c所能排列出来的所有字符串abc,acb,bac,bca,cab和cba. 思路: 利用 ...
- CUDA编程学习笔记2
第二章 cuda代码写在.cu/.cuh里面 cuda 7.0 / 9.0开始,NVCC就支持c++11 / 14里面绝大部分的语言特性了. Dim3 __host__ __device__ dim3 ...
- Atom实用插件
下载atom狠戳本链接 中文简体插件(工具栏,右键菜单,设置菜单) simplified-chinese-menu 代码格式化插件(支持多种语言) atom-beautify 智能补全资源路径插件 a ...
- laravel 5.6初学笔记
laravel 5.6初学笔记 框架简介 laravel文档齐 ...