在ASP.Net Core 中使用枚举类而不是枚举
前言:我相信大家在编写代码时经常会遇到各种状态值,而且为了避免硬编码和代码中出现魔法数,通常我们都会定义一个枚举,来表示各种状态值,直到我看到Java中这样使用枚举,我再想C# 中可不可以这样写,今天就分享一下我的感悟。
public enum EmployeeType
public class Employee
public EmployeeType Type { get; set; }
public decimal Bonus { get; set; }
static void ProcessBonus(Employee employee)
switch (employee.Type)
case EmployeeType.Manager:
employee.Bonus = 1000m;
case EmployeeType.Servant:
employee.Bonus = 0.01m;
case EmployeeType.AssistantToTheRegionalManager:
employee.Bonus = 1.0m;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
“The enum keyword is used to declare an enumeration, a distinct type that consists of a set of named constants called the enumerator list. Every enumeration type has an underlying type, which can be any integral type except char. The default underlying type of the enumeration elements is int. By default, the first enumerator has the value 0, and the value of each successive enumerator is increased by 1.
public enum Volume
Low = ,
public static class EnumTricks
public static bool IsVolumeHigh(Volume volume)
var result = false; switch (volume)
case Volume.Low:
Console.WriteLine("Volume is low.");
break; case Volume.Medium:
Console.WriteLine("Volume is medium.");
break; case Volume.High:
Console.WriteLine("Volume is high.");
result = true;
} return result;
static void Main(string[] args)
EnumTricks.IsVolumeHigh((Volume)); Console.ReadKey();
public static class EnumTricks
public static bool IsVolumeHigh(Volume volume)
var result = false; switch (volume)
case Volume.Low:
Console.WriteLine("Volume is low.");
break; case Volume.Medium:
Console.WriteLine("Volume is medium.");
break; case Volume.High:
Console.WriteLine("Volume is high.");
result = true;
} return result;
} public static int EnumToInt(Volume volume)
return (int)volume;
} public static Volume IntToEnum(int intValue)
return (Volume)intValue;
} public static Volume StringToEnum(string stringValue)
return (Volume)Enum.Parse(typeof(Volume), stringValue);
} public static int StringToInt(string stringValue)
var volume = StringToEnum(stringValue);
return EnumToInt(volume);
public static string EnumToString(Volume volume)
return volume.ToString();
public static class EnumTricks
public static bool IsVolumeHigh(Volume volume)
var result = false; switch (volume)
case Volume.Low:
Console.WriteLine("Volume is low.");
break; case Volume.Medium:
Console.WriteLine("Volume is medium.");
break; case Volume.High:
Console.WriteLine("Volume is high.");
result = true;
} return result;
} public static int EnumToInt(Volume volume)
return (int)volume;
} public static Volume IntToEnum(int intValue)
return (Volume)intValue;
} public static Volume StringToEnum(string stringValue)
return (Volume)Enum.Parse(typeof(Volume), stringValue);
} public static int StringToInt(string stringValue)
var volume = StringToEnum(stringValue);
return EnumToInt(volume);
public class Enumeration: IComparable
private readonly int _value;
private readonly string _displayName; protected Enumeration()
} protected Enumeration(int value, string displayName)
_value = value;
_displayName = displayName;
} public int Value
get { return _value; }
} public string DisplayName
get { return _displayName; }
} public override string ToString()
return DisplayName;
} public static IEnumerable<T> GetAll<T>() where T : Enumeration, new()
var type = typeof(T);
var fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly); foreach (var info in fields)
var instance = new T();
var locatedValue = info.GetValue(instance) as T; if (locatedValue != null)
yield return locatedValue;
} public override bool Equals(object obj)
var otherValue = obj as Enumeration; if (otherValue == null)
return false;
} var typeMatches = GetType().Equals(obj.GetType());
var valueMatches = _value.Equals(otherValue.Value); return typeMatches && valueMatches;
} public override int GetHashCode()
return _value.GetHashCode();
} public static int AbsoluteDifference(Enumeration firstValue, Enumeration secondValue)
var absoluteDifference = Math.Abs(firstValue.Value - secondValue.Value);
return absoluteDifference;
} public static T FromValue<T>(int value) where T : Enumeration, new()
var matchingItem = parse<T, int>(value, "value", item => item.Value == value);
return matchingItem;
} public static T FromDisplayName<T>(string displayName) where T : Enumeration, new()
var matchingItem = parse<T, string>(displayName, "display name", item => item.DisplayName == displayName);
return matchingItem;
} private static T parse<T, K>(K value, string description, Func<T, bool> predicate) where T : Enumeration, new()
var matchingItem = GetAll<T>().FirstOrDefault(predicate); if (matchingItem == null)
var message = string.Format("'{0}' is not a valid {1} in {2}", value, description, typeof(T));
throw new ApplicationException(message);
} return matchingItem;
} public int CompareTo(object other)
return Value.CompareTo(((Enumeration)other).Value);
public class Volume: Enumeration
private Volume() { throw new Exception(""); }
private Volume(int value, string displayName): base(value, displayName) { } public static readonly Volume Low = new Volume(, nameof(Low).ToLowerInvariant());
public static readonly Volume Medium = new Volume(, nameof(Medium).ToLowerInvariant());
public static readonly Volume High = new Volume(, nameof(High).ToLowerInvariant()); public static IEnumerable<Volume> List() =>
new[] { Low, Medium, High }; public static Volume From(int value)
var state = List().SingleOrDefault(s => s.Value == value); if (state == null)
throw new Exception($"Possible values for Volume: {String.Join(",", List().Select(s => s.Value))}");
} return state;
} public static Volume FromName(string name)
var state = List()
.SingleOrDefault(s => String.Equals(s.DisplayName, name, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); if (state == null)
throw new Exception($"Possible values for Volume: {String.Join(",", List().Select(s => s.DisplayName))}");
} return state;
static void Main(string[] args)
//EnumTricks.IsVolumeHigh((Volume)27); //var tmp = Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Volume), 3);
//var str = EnumTricks.EnumToString((Volume)27);
//var str2 = EnumTricks.EnumToString((Volume)3); //Console.WriteLine($"Volume 27:{str}");
//Console.WriteLine($"Volume 3:{str2}"); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(Volume.High.Value);
Console.WriteLine(Volume.High.DisplayName); var volume = Volume.From();
var volume2 = Volume.FromName("high");
var none = Volume.From(27); Console.ReadKey();
public interface ICommonError
int GetErrCode();
string GetErrMsg();
ICommonError SetErrMsg(string errMsg);
public class Enumeration : IComparable
private readonly int _value;
private readonly string _displayName; protected Enumeration()
} protected Enumeration(int value, string displayName)
_value = value;
_displayName = displayName;
} public int Value
get { return _value; }
} public string DisplayName
get { return _displayName; }
} public override string ToString()
return DisplayName;
} public static IEnumerable<T> GetAll<T>() where T : Enumeration, new()
var type = typeof(T);
var fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly); foreach (var info in fields)
var instance = new T();
var locatedValue = info.GetValue(instance) as T; if (locatedValue != null)
yield return locatedValue;
} public override bool Equals(object obj)
var otherValue = obj as Enumeration; if (otherValue == null)
return false;
} var typeMatches = GetType().Equals(obj.GetType());
var valueMatches = _value.Equals(otherValue.Value); return typeMatches && valueMatches;
} public override int GetHashCode()
return _value.GetHashCode();
} public static int AbsoluteDifference(Enumeration firstValue, Enumeration secondValue)
var absoluteDifference = Math.Abs(firstValue.Value - secondValue.Value);
return absoluteDifference;
} public static T FromValue<T>(int value) where T : Enumeration, new()
var matchingItem = parse<T, int>(value, "value", item => item.Value == value);
return matchingItem;
} public static T FromDisplayName<T>(string displayName) where T : Enumeration, new()
var matchingItem = parse<T, string>(displayName, "display name", item => item.DisplayName == displayName);
return matchingItem;
} private static T parse<T, K>(K value, string description, Func<T, bool> predicate) where T : Enumeration, new()
var matchingItem = GetAll<T>().FirstOrDefault(predicate); if (matchingItem == null)
var message = string.Format("'{0}' is not a valid {1} in {2}", value, description, typeof(T));
throw new ApplicationException(message);
} return matchingItem;
} public int CompareTo(object other)
return Value.CompareTo(((Enumeration)other).Value);
public class EmBusinessError : Enumeration, ICommonError
private int errCode;
private String errMsg; public static readonly EmBusinessError parameterValidationError = new EmBusinessError(, "参数不合法"); private EmBusinessError() { throw new Exception("私有构造函数不能调用"); }
private EmBusinessError(int value, string displayName) : base(value, displayName) { this.errCode = value;
this.errMsg = displayName;
} public int GetErrCode()
return this.errCode;
} public string GetErrMsg()
return this.errMsg;
} public void SetErrCode(int errCode)
this.errCode = errCode;
} public ICommonError SetErrMsg(string errMsg)
this.errMsg = errMsg; return this;
public class BusinessException : Exception, ICommonError
private ICommonError commonError; //直接接收EmBusinessError的传参用于构造业务异常
public BusinessException(ICommonError commonError):base()
this.commonError = commonError;
public BusinessException(ICommonError commonError, string errMsg):base()
this.commonError = commonError;
public int GetErrCode()
return this.commonError.GetErrCode();
} public string GetErrMsg()
return this.commonError.GetErrMsg();
} public ICommonError SetErrMsg(string errMsg)
this.commonError.SetErrMsg(errMsg); return this;
public ICommonError GetCommonError()
return commonError;
public class ExceptionHandlerMiddleWare
private readonly RequestDelegate next; /// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="next"></param>
public ExceptionHandlerMiddleWare(RequestDelegate next)
this.next = next;
} public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context)
await next(context);
catch (Exception ex)
await HandleExceptionAsync(context, ex);
} private static async Task HandleExceptionAsync(HttpContext context, Exception exception)
if (exception == null) return;
await WriteExceptionAsync(context, exception).ConfigureAwait(false);
} private static async Task WriteExceptionAsync(HttpContext context, Exception exception)
var response = context.Response;
response.ContentType = "application/json;charset=utf-8";
var result = new CommonReturnType(); if (exception is BusinessException)
var businessException = (BusinessException)exception; var errModel = new { errCode= businessException.GetErrCode(), errMsg= businessException.GetErrMsg() }; result = CommonReturnType.Create(errModel, "fail"); } await response.WriteAsync(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { data = result.GetData(), status = result.GetStatus() }) ).ConfigureAwait(false);
} }
public class CommonReturnType
//表明对应请求的返回处理结果 "success" 或 "fail"
private string status; //若status=success,则data内返回前端需要的json数据
private object data; //定义一个通用的创建方法
public static CommonReturnType Create(object result)
return CommonReturnType.Create(result, "success");
} public static CommonReturnType Create(object result, string status)
CommonReturnType type = new CommonReturnType();
type.SetData(result); return type;
} public string GetStatus()
return status;
} public void SetStatus(string status)
this.status = status;
} public object GetData()
return data;
} public void SetData(object data)
this.data = data;
感谢:张家华 提供的分享。
微软已经为我们提供了一些封装 传送门: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.enum?view=netcore-3.0&tdsourcetag=s_pctim_aiomsg
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