


public gltf.Gltf BuildInstancedScene(IModel model, List<Type> exclude = null, HashSet<int> EntityLebels = null)
Dictionary<int, ShapeComponentIds> geometries = new Dictionary<int, ShapeComponentIds>(); // this needs a previously meshed xbim file.
var s = new Stopwatch();
int iCnt = ;
Random r = new Random();        //获取不导出的类型
var excludedTypes = DefaultExclusions(model, exclude);        //geomstore保存了该模型的几何信息,通过BeginRead()函数返回的Reader访问
using (var geomStore = model.GeometryStore)
using (var geomReader = geomStore.BeginRead())
// process the materials and styles
var sstyleIds = geomReader.StyleIds;
foreach (var styleId in sstyleIds)
PrepareStyleMaterial(model, styleId);
          // TODO: 无效代码
int productLabel = ;           //获取需要渲染的Shape,shape是真正的几何图元信息
var shapeInstances = GetShapeInstancesToRender(geomReader, excludedTypes, EntityLebels);
// foreach (var shapeInstance in shapeInstances.OrderBy(x=>x.IfcProductLabel))
gltf.Mesh targetMesh = null;           //遍历每一个shape,IFC中的一个shape对应于gltf的一个mesh
foreach (var shapeInstance in shapeInstances.OrderBy(x => x.IfcProductLabel))
{ if (CustomFilter != null)
var skip = CustomFilter(shapeInstance.IfcProductLabel, model);
if (skip)
} // we start with a shape instance and then load its geometry. // a product (e.g. wall or window) in the scene returns:
// - a node
// - pointing to a mesh, with a transform
// - 1 mesh
// - with as many mesh primitives as needed to render the different parts
// - pointers to the a material and accessors as needed
// - 3 accessors per primitive
// - vertices, normals, indices
// - bufferviews can be reused by different accessors
// - data in the buffer, of course if (productLabel != shapeInstance.IfcProductLabel)
// need new product // create node
var nodeIndex = _nodes.Count;
var entity = model.Instances[shapeInstance.IfcProductLabel] as IIfcProduct;
if (entity == null)
{ // fire error here.
var tnode = new gltf.Node();
tnode.Name = entity.Name + $" #{entity.EntityLabel}";
tnode.Matrix = GetTransformInMeters(model, shapeInstance); // create mesh
var meshIndex = _meshes.Count;
targetMesh = new gltf.Mesh
Name = $"Instance {productLabel}"
}; // link node to mesh
tnode.Mesh = meshIndex; // add all to lists
} // now the geometry
IXbimShapeGeometryData shapeGeom = geomReader.ShapeGeometry(shapeInstance.ShapeGeometryLabel);
if (shapeGeom.Format != (byte)XbimGeometryType.PolyhedronBinary)
// work out colour id;
// the colour is associated with the instance, not the geometry.
// positives are styles, negatives are types
var colId = shapeInstance.StyleLabel >
? shapeInstance.StyleLabel
: shapeInstance.IfcTypeId * -;
int materialIndex;
if (!styleDic.TryGetValue(colId, out materialIndex))
// if the style is not available we build one by ExpressType
materialIndex = PrepareTypeMaterial(model, shapeInstance.IfcTypeId);
styleDic.Add(colId, materialIndex);
} // note: at a first investigation it looks like the shapeInstance.Transformation is the same for all shapes of the same product
            //TODO: 经测试,以下的代码存在BUG
if (shapeGeom.ReferenceCount > )
// retain the information to reuse the map multiple times
// // if g is not found in the dictionary then build it and add it
ShapeComponentIds components;
if (!geometries.TryGetValue(shapeGeom.ShapeLabel, out components))
// mesh
var xbimMesher = new XbimMesher();
xbimMesher.AddMesh(shapeGeom.ShapeData); components = AddGeom(
geometries.Add(shapeGeom.ShapeLabel, components);
} if (components != null)
var arr = GetTransformInMeters(model, shapeInstance);
AddComponentsToMesh(targetMesh, components, materialIndex);
// repeat the geometry only once
var xbimMesher = new XbimMesher();
var trsf = GetTransformInMeters(model, shapeInstance);
var components = AddGeom(
AddComponentsToMesh(targetMesh, components, materialIndex);
if (iCnt % == )
Debug.WriteLine($"added {iCnt} elements in {s.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms.");
Debug.WriteLine($"added {iCnt} elements in {s.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms.");

return Build();


 /// <param name="model">The model needs to have the geometry meshes already cached</param>
/// <param name="exclude">The types of elements that are going to be omitted (e.g. ifcSpaces).</param>
/// <param name="EntityLebels">Only entities in the collection are exported; if null exports the whole model</param>
/// <returns>GLTF, containing all message about the model</returns>
public gltf.Gltf BuildInstancedScene(IModel model, List<Type> exclude = null, HashSet<int> EntityLabels = null)
{ //TODO: 需要确保context已经建立?
using (var geomStore = model.GeometryStore)
using (var geomReader = geomStore.BeginRead())
// process the materials and styles
var sstyleIds = geomReader.StyleIds;
foreach (var styleId in sstyleIds)
PrepareStyleMaterial(model, styleId);
} Dictionary<int, ShapeComponentIds> geometries = new Dictionary<int, ShapeComponentIds>();
Dictionary<int, int> shapes = new Dictionary<int, int>();
HashSet<int> visitedLabels = new HashSet<int>();
// this needs a previously meshed xbim file. var excludedTypes = DefaultExclusions(model, exclude); //获取根节点
var projects = model.Instances.OfType<IIfcProject>();
if (projects.Count() != )
Debug.WriteLine("Projects more than one.");
var project = projects.First();
var projectRelations = project.IsDecomposedBy; Queue<IIfcObjectDefinition> objectQueue = new Queue<IIfcObjectDefinition>();
Queue<int> nodeIndexQueue = new Queue<int>(); //添加根节点
var rootNode = new gltf.Node();
rootNode.Name = project.Name + $"#{project.EntityLabel}";
rootNode.Matrix = new[]
1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, //右手坐标系下相对坐标原点绕X轴旋转90度(pi/4)
0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f
List<int> rootSon = new List<int>();
foreach (var rel in projectRelations)
foreach (var relatedObject in rel.RelatedObjects)
var tnode = new gltf.Node();
var tnodeIndex = _nodes.Count;
rootNode.Children = rootSon.ToArray(); //遍历IFC节点树,用参数队列和节点队列模拟递归顺序访问节点树
while (objectQueue.Count > )
var obj = objectQueue.Dequeue();
var nodeIndex = nodeIndexQueue.Dequeue();
if (visitedLabels.Contains(obj.EntityLabel))
List<int> sonNodes = new List<int>(); //处理当前节点包含的子节点,只有为IfcSpatialElement时才有relContained关系
var spatialElement = obj as IIfcSpatialElement;
if (spatialElement != null)
var containRelations = spatialElement.ContainsElements;
foreach (var containRelation in containRelations)
var containObjects = containRelation.RelatedElements;
foreach (var containObject in containObjects)
var tnode = new gltf.Node();
var tnodeIndex = _nodes.Count;
} //处理当前节点聚合的子节点
var aggregateRelations = obj.IsDecomposedBy;
foreach (var aggregateRelation in aggregateRelations)
var aggregateObjects = aggregateRelation.RelatedObjects;
foreach (var aggregateObject in aggregateObjects)
var tnode = new gltf.Node();
var tnodeIndex = _nodes.Count;
} //处理当前节点
var parentNode = _nodes.ElementAt(nodeIndex);
parentNode.Name = obj.Name + $" #{obj.EntityLabel}";
if (typeof(IIfcProduct).IsInstanceOfType(obj))
//#endregion //遍历每一个shape
var shapeInstances = GetShapeInstancesToRender(geomReader, excludedTypes, new HashSet<int> { obj.EntityLabel });
foreach (var shapeInstance in shapeInstances.OrderBy(x => x.IfcProductLabel))
{ if (CustomFilter != null)
//TODO: 此处是productlabel,但是过滤器中的是ifc label,有何区别
var skip = CustomFilter(shapeInstance.IfcProductLabel, model);
if (skip)
//instanceLabel 全为-1
//entityLabel 和 productLabel 全都一样,都是一个产品的label,如一个椅子,有自己的entityLabel=ProductLabel。同时,相同外观的椅子的label不一样
//A mesh is instantiated by node.mesh property.
//The same mesh could be used by many nodes,
//which could have different transformations // now the geometry
IXbimShapeGeometryData shapeGeom = geomReader.ShapeGeometry(shapeInstance.ShapeGeometryLabel); var entity = model.Instances[shapeInstance.IfcProductLabel] as IIfcProduct; //Instance是模型的所有实例,一个PRODUCT(ENTITY)可以对应多个实例
if (entity == null)
{ // fire error here.
var tnode = new gltf.Node();
tnode.Name = entity.Name + $" #{entity.EntityLabel} #{shapeGeom.IfcShapeLabel}";
tnode.Matrix = GetTransformInMeters(model, shapeInstance); // create mesh
var meshIndex = _meshes.Count;
var tnodeIndex = _nodes.Count;
if (shapes.TryGetValue(shapeInstance.ShapeGeometryLabel, out meshIndex))
tnode.Mesh = meshIndex;
meshIndex = _meshes.Count;
var targetMesh = new gltf.Mesh
Name = $"Instance {shapeInstance.IfcProductLabel}" //经过测试,produceLabel似乎和entityLabel一样
// link node to mesh
tnode.Mesh = meshIndex;
// add all to lists
shapes.Add(shapeInstance.ShapeGeometryLabel, meshIndex); if (shapeGeom.Format != (byte)XbimGeometryType.PolyhedronBinary)
continue; // work out colour id;
// the colour is associated with the instance, not the geometry.
// positives are styles, negatives are types
var colId = shapeInstance.StyleLabel >
? shapeInstance.StyleLabel
: shapeInstance.IfcTypeId * -;
int materialIndex;
if (!styleDic.TryGetValue(colId, out materialIndex))
// if the style is not available we build one by ExpressType
materialIndex = PrepareTypeMaterial(model, shapeInstance.IfcTypeId);
styleDic.Add(colId, materialIndex);
} // note: at a first investigation it looks like the shapeInstance.Transformation is the same for all shapes of the same product
if (shapeGeom.ReferenceCount > )
// retain the information to reuse the map multiple times
// // if g is not found in the dictionary then build it and add it
ShapeComponentIds components;
if (!geometries.TryGetValue(shapeGeom.ShapeLabel, out components))
// mesh
var xbimMesher = new XbimMesher();
xbimMesher.AddMesh(shapeGeom.ShapeData); components = AddGeom(
geometries.Add(shapeGeom.ShapeLabel, components);
} //添加顶点等信息(primitive)到mesh中
if (components != null)
var arr = GetTransformInMeters(model, shapeInstance); //TODO: ???unused
AddComponentsToMesh(targetMesh, components, materialIndex); //此处添加了实际的mesh
} //不应该这样做,应该不添加mesh,只在node中添加同样mesh的索引即可
{ //TODO: ??? 这两段if-else代码似乎没有区别呀!
// repeat the geometry only once
var xbimMesher = new XbimMesher();
var trsf = GetTransformInMeters(model, shapeInstance);
var components = AddGeom(
AddComponentsToMesh(targetMesh, components, materialIndex);
} }
} //为当前节点(gltf.node)添加子节点(node.children),建立起父子关系
if (sonNodes.Count > )
parentNode.Children = sonNodes.ToArray();
} return Build();


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