As it is well known fact that XMLPublisher stores the metadata and physical files for templates and data definitions in BLOB columns in its schema. During Development you need to download information from a development instance to a test instance before porting over to production environment.These steps you normally follow:

  • Use the FNDLOAD utility to upload and download the data definition information and the template metadata stored in the Template Manager.
  • Use the XDOLoader utility to upload and download the physical files (RTF, PDF, XSL-FO, XML, and XSD).

Using FNDLOAD to Manage Metadata

As per user guide,both templates and data definitions are stored in the database, therefore we can use the FNDLOAD loader to download the metadata for these objects and then to upload this metadata to another instance. The FNDLOAD program requires a control file (lct) as discussed earlier that XML Publisher provides for use with its objects. The file which is used called xdotmpl.lct and it is located under your APPL_TOP directory as follows:


Take a look XML Publisher FNDLOAD File Structure

Downloading Metadata

To load Data Definitions and Templates from dev1 instance to tst instance using FNDLOAD

  • Step1
    @dev1 unix box
    • FNDLOAD apps/apps@ODEV1 0 Y DOWNLOAD $XDO_TOP/patch/115/import/xdotmpl.lct XMLPData.ldtXDO_DS_DEFINITIONS APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME=<your application short name> DATA_SOURCE_CODE=<your source code name XXAPVNDRE>
      • For example :to download all data definitions and templates for Accounts Receivable, use the following command:
  • Step 2 ..@tst unix
    • FNDLOAD apps/appstst@OTST 0 Y UPLOAD $XDO_TOP/patch/115/import/xdotmpl.lct XMLPData.ldt

Limitation of FNDLOAD usage:

a)To move all the data definitions and templates metadata from a particular instance

b)You can move all XDO metadata for a particular application such as custom (eg..XXX..) application or other like AP or AR.


XDOLoader is Java-based command line program utility to load template files for XML Publisher

  • RTF
  • PDF
  • XSL-FO
  • XML
  • XSD

You can use this utility to download files from one instance and load to another.

The XDOLoader has two modes

  1. File download only mode : This mode is normally used to download files from the XDO_LOBS table. Specify the target LOB_CODE, APPS_SHORT_NAME, and LOB_TYPE, LANGUAGE, and TERRITORY to download all files that match the criteria.
  2. File download and LDT/DRVX generation mode : This mode can be used to download files from the XDO_LOBS tables and create and LDT file for the downloaded file. Note: A DRVX file is also created. This file is used by Oracle Development to load templates during patch application. It is not required for use at your site and can be ignored.

Moving Files (How To Use XDOLoader?)

You can see the XDOLoader utility to upload and download the physical files which consist RTF, PDF, XSL-FO, XML, and XSD.

Moving file across instance consist of three step:

Step 1.Session setup

You need to do set up your environment for your session by setting the APPL_TOP and CLASSPATH.

Step 2.Execute the XDOLoader utility as follows first for Download

% java DOWNLOAD \
-DB_USERNAME <do_user name> \
-DB_PASSWORD <do_password> \
-JDBC_CONNECTION <jibed_on_string> \
-LOB_TYPE <lob_type> \
-APPS_SHORT_NAME <application_short_name> \
-LOB_CODE <lob_code> \
-LANGUAGE <language> \
-TERRITORY <territory> \
-LOG_FILE <log file>

Step 3:Execute the XDOLoader utility as follows first for Upload

% java UPLOAD \
-DB_USERNAME <do_user name> \
-DB_PASSWORD <do_password> \
-JDBC_CONNECTION <jibed_on_string> \
-LOB_TYPE <lob_type> \
-APPS_SHORT_NAME <application_short_name> \
-LOB_CODE <lob_code> \
-LANGUAGE <language> \
-TERRITORY <territory> \
-LOG_FILE <log file>

The parameters are described in the following table:

What you observe above is the parameters LOB_CODE and LCT_FILE are optional, but one must be defined as follows:

  • LOB_CODE - use this parameter to download an individual template.
  • LCT_FILE - if you do not define an LOB_CODE then this parameter is required. If you want to download multiple templates, then you must provide the LCT file. The loaded needs this file to retrieve the templates. The LCT file can be found under XDO_TOP/patch/115/import/xdotmpl.let. When you use this option you will not only get the templates, but the let file for the templates will be generated for you as well.

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