Introduction to MWB Minor Mode


Table of Contents

1 Introduction

MWB stands for "MetaWeblog", it is an submode for org mode and can be used to
publish org files to meta web blog.

It is based on CnBlog, and was modified to port to other meta web blogs.

2 Usage

Download this package from github and put into PATH , then add
following codes to your init file.

  1. (add-to-list 'load-path PATH)
  2. (autoload 'mwb-minor-mode "mwb" "mwb minor mode" t)
  3. (autoload 'mwb-new-post "mwb" "new post" t)

If you want to turn on mwb-minor-mode automatically for some mode (org-mode,
for example), you can add following line:

  1. (add-to-list 'org-mode-hook 'mwb-minor-mode)

Then, open an org file, and stroke: M-x: mwb-setup-blog, and follow the

When finished setting up, edit an org file, and stroke: M-x: mwb-new-post,
and then waits for the post to be done.

That's all.

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