28. Bad Influence of Western Diet 西式饮食的消极影响
28. Bad Influence of Western Diet 西式饮食的消极影响
① The spread of Western eating habits around the world is bad for the environment.Those findings come from a new report in the journal Natural.
② There are ways to solve this diet-health-environment problem.But they will require a change in eating habits.And what we eat can be a product of culture,personal taste,price and ease.
③ Divid Tilman is a professor of ecology at the University of Minesota.In the study,he examine information from 100 countries to identify what people ate and how diet affected health.
④ Mr.Tilman noted a movement beginning in the 1960s.He found that as nations industrialized,population increased and earnings rose,more people began to adopt what has been called the Western diet.
⑤ The Western diet is high in refined,or processed,sugar,fat,oil and meat.By eating these foods,people began to get fatter and sicker.Overweight people are at greater risk for non-infectious diseases like diabetes,heart diseases and some cancers.
⑥ And,a diet bad for human beings,it seems,is also bad for the environment.As the world's population grows,experts say more forests and tropical areas will become farmland for crops or grasslands for grazing cattle.These area will be needed to meet the increasing demand for food. ⑦ "We are likely to have more greenhouse gas released in the future from agriculture because of this dietary shift than all the greenhouse gas that right now comes out of all the cars,and all of the airplanes,boats and ships,all forms of transportation.So our change in diet is likely to be worse for the world for climate warming than all the transportation sources we use right now." ⑧ Mr.Tilman calls the links between diet,the environment and human health,"a trilemma."This is a play on the word "dilemma"—a problem offering a difficult choice.He says one possible solution is leaving the Western diet behind.
28. Bad Influence of Western Diet 西式饮食的消极影响的更多相关文章
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