var parkRides = [["Birch Bumpers", 40], ["Pines Plunge", 55],
["Cedar Coaster", 20], ["Ferris Wheel of Firs". 90]]; var fastPassQueus = ["Cedar Coaster", "Pines Plunge", "Birch Bumpers", "Pines Plunge"]; var wantsRide = "Birch Bumpers";
/*Now we store the function in a variable*/
var ticket = buildTicket(allRides, passRides, wantsRide);
ticket(); //call the function, we need a () and ; /*Javascript has an immediately-invoked function*/
var wantsRide = "Cedar Coaster";
//This time we get ride of the ticket variable
//and we just call the buildTicket function without return anything
buildTicket(allRides, passRides, wantsRide);
//What it returns is the whole body of the function only (function(){alert("Quick! You've got a Fast Pass to "+ pass +"!")) //We got the function expression, but we need more to call this
//function expression immediately.
*/ buildTicket(allRides, passRides, wantsRide)();
(function(){alert("Quick! You've got a Fast Pass to "+ pass +"!"))(); //Then it will call the function expression
*/ function buildTicket(allRides, passRides, pick){
var pass = passRides.shift();
return function(){alert("Quick! You've got a Fast Pass to "+ pass +"!");};
for(vari = 0; i < allRides.length; i++){
return function(){alert("A ticket is printing for "+ pick + "!\n" +
"Your wait time is about "+ allRides[i][1]+ "minutes.");};

Tow ways to call a function expression immediately.

1. var ticket = buildTicket(allRides, passRides, wantsRide);

ticket(); //call the fucntion here!

2.  buildTicket(allRides, passRides, wantsRide)();  //Without store function in a variable!!!


function adventureSelector ( userChoice ){
case 1:
return function(){
alert('You\'ve selected the Vines of Doom!'
+ "\n" +
'Hope you have a swingin\' time.');};
case 2:
return function(){
alert('Looks like you want the Lake of Despair!'
'Watch out for crocs. And I ain\'t talkin\' about shoes.');
case 3:
return function(){
alert('The Caves of Catastrophe, really?'
'Alright, well....nice knowing you.'
} adventureSelector(1)();

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