


  • 局域网对战


select()的机制中提供一fd_set的数据结构,实际上是一long类型的数组, 每一个数组元素都能与一打开的文件句柄(不管是Socket句柄,还是其他文件或命名管道或设备句柄)建立联系,建立联系的工作由程序员完成, 当调用select()时,由内核根据IO状态修改fd_set的内容,由此来通知执行了select()的进程哪一Socket或文件可读或可写,主要用于Socket通信当中


         # 接收cli的消息
if is_people:
rs, ws, es = select.select(inputs, [], [], 0)
for r in rs:
if r is tcpclisock:
data = r.recv(BUFSIZ)
islink = True
if data.decode('utf8') == 'again':
is_recieve1 = True
if data.decode('utf8') == 'yes':
is_playagain = True
is_play = True
if data.decode('utf8') == 'no':
is_recieve2 = True
islink = False
if not is_play and not result:
me = storn.Storn_Black(eval(data))
is_play = True
except error:
islink = False
  • 电脑对战


  1. 活四(011110):这时候四颗棋子相连,同时两端为空,已经阻止不了一方的胜利了,此时价值应该设置最高
  2. 死四(011112|10111|11011):四颗棋子,只有一个地方能形成连五,如果是自己的棋可以赢,是对方的也可以阻止对方赢棋,此时价值次高



 # 判断每个点的价值
def point_value(pos, white_chesses, black_chesses, identify1, identify2):
value = 0
for i in range(1,9):
# *1111_ 活四
if get_point(pos, i, 1, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 3, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 4, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 5, white_chesses, black_chesses) == 0:
value += 40000
# *11112 死四1
if get_point(pos, i, 1, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 3, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 4, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 5, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify2:
value += 30000
# 1*111 死四2
if get_point(pos, i, -1, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 1, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 3, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1:
value += 30000
# 11*11 死四3
if get_point(pos, i, -2, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, -1, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 1, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1:
value += 30000
# *111_ 活三1
if get_point(pos, i, 1, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 3, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 4, white_chesses, black_chesses) == 0:
value += 20000
# *1_11_ 活三2
if get_point(pos, i, 1, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2, white_chesses, black_chesses) == 0 and \
get_point(pos, i, 3, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 4, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 5, white_chesses, black_chesses) == 0:
value += 20000
# *1112 死三1
if get_point(pos, i, 1, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 3, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 4, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify2:
value += 15000
# _1_112 死三2
if get_point(pos, i, 1, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2, white_chesses, black_chesses) == 0 and \
get_point(pos, i, 3, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 4, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 5, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify2:
value += 15000
# _11_12 死三3
if get_point(pos, i, 1, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 3, white_chesses, black_chesses) == 0 and \
get_point(pos, i, 4, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 5, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify2:
value += 15000
# 1__11 死三4
if get_point(pos, i, -1, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 1, white_chesses, black_chesses) == 0 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 3, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1:
value += 15000
# 1_1_1 死三5
if get_point(pos, i, -1, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 1, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2, white_chesses, black_chesses) == 0 and \
get_point(pos, i, 3, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1:
value += 15000
# 2_111_2 死三6
if get_point(pos, i, -1, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify2 and \
get_point(pos, i, 1, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 3, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 4, white_chesses, black_chesses) == 0 and \
get_point(pos, i, 5, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify2:
value += 15000
# __11__ 活二1
if get_point(pos, i, -1, white_chesses, black_chesses) == 0 and \
get_point(pos, i, 1, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 3, white_chesses, black_chesses) == 0 and \
get_point(pos, i, 4, white_chesses, black_chesses) == 0:
value += 1000
# _1_1_ 活二2
if get_point(pos, i, 1, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2, white_chesses, black_chesses) == 0 and \
get_point(pos, i, 3, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 4, white_chesses, black_chesses) == 0:
value += 1000
# *1__
if get_point(pos, i, 1, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2, white_chesses, black_chesses) == 0 and \
get_point(pos, i, 3, white_chesses, black_chesses) == 0:
value += 30
# *1_
if get_point(pos, i, 1, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2, white_chesses, black_chesses) == 0:
value += 20
# *1
if get_point(pos, i, 1, white_chesses, black_chesses) == identify1:
value += 10
return value


 # 电脑选取落子的位置
def ai(white_chesses, black_chesses, chesses):
value = max1 = max2 = 0
pos1 = pos2 = ()
# 进攻时
for i in range(0,15):
row = 28 + i * 40
for j in range(0,15):
col = 28 + j * 40
pos = (row,col)
if is_empty(pos, chesses):
value = point_value(pos, white_chesses, black_chesses, 1, 2)
if value > max1:
max1 = value
pos1 = (row,col) # 防守时
for i in range(0,15):
for j in range(0,15):
row = 28 + i * 40
col = 28 + j * 40
if is_empty((row,col), chesses):
value = point_value((row,col), white_chesses, black_chesses, 2, 1)
if value > max2:
max2 = value
pos2 = (row,col)
if max1 > max2:
return pos1
return pos2


源代码地址:https://github.com/tctctctctc/python- 欢迎star



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