abstract class Operation {
protected $_NumberA = 0;
protected $_NumberB = 0;
protected $_Result = 0; public function __construct($A, $B){
$this->_NumberA = $A;
$this->_NumberB = $B;
} public function clearResult(){
$this->_Result = 0;
} abstract protected function getResult(); }
class OperationAdd extends Operation { public function getResult(){
$this->_Result = $this->_NumberA + $this->_NumberB;
return $this->_Result;
} }
class OperationSub extends Operation { public function getResult(){
$this->_Result = $this->_NumberA - $this->_NumberB;
return $this->_Result;
class OperationFactory { //创建保存实例的静态成员变量
private static $obj; //创建访问实例的公共的静态方法
public static function CreateOperation($type, $A, $B){
switch($type) {
case '+':
self::$obj = new OperationAdd($A,$B);
case '-':
self::$obj = new OperationSub($A,$B);
return self::$obj;
$obj = OperationFactory::CreateOperation('-', 5, 6);
echo $obj->getResult();

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