按照https://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools#windows-8-powershell介绍的方法, 安装未成功。安装似乎没有启动, 也未安装成功。

Windows 8 (Powershell)

For best results, uninstall previous versions FIRST (see Uninstalling).

Using Windows 8 or later, it's possible to install with one simple Powershell command. Start up Powershell and paste this command:

> (Invoke-WebRequest https://bootstrap.pypa.io/ez_setup.py).Content | python -

You must start the Powershell with Administrative privileges or you may choose to install a user-local installation:

> (Invoke-WebRequest https://bootstrap.pypa.io/ez_setup.py).Content | python - --user

If you have Python 3.3 or later, you can use the py command to install to different Python versions. For example, to install to Python 3.3 if you have Python 2.7 installed:

> (Invoke-WebRequest https://bootstrap.pypa.io/ez_setup.py).Content | py -3 -

The recommended way to install setuptools on Windows is to download ez_setup.py and run it. The script will download the appropriate .egg file and install it for you.

Once installation is complete, you will find an easy_install program in your Python Scripts subdirectory.  For simple invocation and best results, add this directory to your PATH environment variable, if it is not already present. If you did a user-local install, the Scripts subdirectory is $env:APPDATA\Python\Scripts.

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