The very essence of romance is uncertainty.


Yesterday my girl friend told me that she felt dull and boring sometimes, because everything in her life seems all the same.

I replied her: So, what should we do to add some colors in our dreary days?

Maybe she just gave me a gentle hint that I should be a little more romantic.

So, how about creating some pleasant surprises every now and then?

If you think you can do it, you can.


From John Borous.

I don't know who the guy is and what he has done, but I think he must have attained great achievements, otherwise he may not be qualified to say that rightly and reasonably.

You can make your dreams come true if you dare to dream them.

That is the power of dreams and spirits.

The only thing I want to emphasize is that once you think you can do it, once you dream it desperately, you must concentrate your energy, your talent and your time on it, just start out to do it, don't hesitate.

You can't achieve anything if you don't have a goal.

You will feel the joy of success and you will find the meaning of life once you get it.

Remember a man, must have his own goals and pursue, the person also is this life, the overhead days are the same, you can fail, but you can't be from the mediocrity.

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