#ifndef _SEQLIST_H_
#define _SEQLIST_H_
typedef void SeqList;
typedef void SeqListNode; //顺序链表的生成
SeqList* SeqList_Create(int capacity);
void SeqList_Destory(SeqList* list);
void SeqList_Clear(SeqList* list);
int SeqList_Length(SeqList* list);
int SeqList_Capacity(SeqList* list);
int SeqList_Insert(SeqList* list, SeqListNode* node, int pos);
SeqListNode* SeqList_Get(SeqList* list, int pos);
SeqListNode* SeqList_Delete(SeqList* list, int pos); #endif
//Cpp #include "seqList.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
typedef struct _tag_SeqList
int length;
int capacity;
unsigned int **node; // 使用**防止数据丢失
}TSeqList; //创建一个线性表
SeqList* SeqList_Create(int capacity)
int ret = ;
TSeqList *temp = NULL; //创建临时指针变量remp temp = (TSeqList *)malloc((sizeof(TSeqList))); //分配内存
if (temp == NULL)
ret = -;
cout << "SeqList_Create Err!" << endl;
return NULL;
memset(temp, , sizeof(TSeqList)); // 快速填充为0 //为所有节点分配内存空间 (*容量)
temp->node = (unsigned int **)malloc(sizeof(unsigned int *) * capacity); if (temp->node == NULL)
ret = -;
cout << "SeqList_Create Err! (malloc..)" << endl;
return NULL;
} temp->capacity = capacity;
temp->length = ;
return temp;
} //删除(释放)一个线性表
void SeqList_Destory(SeqList* list)
TSeqList *tlist = NULL;
if(list == NULL)
cout << "Destory Err" << endl;
return ;
tlist = (TSeqList *)list;
//先释放node内存 再释放List内存
if (tlist->node != NULL)
free(tlist); return;
} //清空一个线性表
void SeqList_Clear(SeqList* list)
TSeqList *tlist = NULL;
if(list == NULL)
cout << "Clear Err " << endl;
return ;
tlist = (TSeqList *)list;
tlist->length = ;
} //返回一个线性表的长度
int SeqList_Length(SeqList* list)
TSeqList *tlist = NULL;
if(list == NULL)
cout << "Length Err, list == NULL" << endl;
return -;
} tlist = (TSeqList *)list;
return tlist->length;
} //返回线性表的容量
int SeqList_Capacity(SeqList* list)
TSeqList *tlist = NULL;
if(list == NULL)
cout << "Capacity Err, list == NULL" << endl;
return -;
tlist = (TSeqList *)list; return tlist->capacity;
} //在POS位置插入一个节点
int SeqList_Insert(SeqList* list, SeqListNode* node, int pos)
int i = ;
int ret = ;
TSeqList *tlist = NULL; //异常处理
if(list == NULL || node == NULL || pos<)
cout << "Insert Err, (list == NULL || node == NULL || pos<0)" << endl;
ret = -;
return ret;
tlist = (TSeqList *)list; //判断是否满了
if (tlist->length >= tlist->capacity)
cout << "满了" << endl;
ret = -;
return ret;
//容错修正 如果插入的pos位置大于链表长度 并且此时容量未满
if (pos >= tlist->length) /////////
pos = tlist->length;
} //位置后移并储存
for(i = tlist->length; i > pos; i--)
tlist->node[i] = tlist->node[i-];
tlist->node[i] = (unsigned int*) node;
return ; } //获取节点信息
SeqListNode* SeqList_Get(SeqList* list, int pos)
TSeqList *tlist = NULL;
if(list == NULL || pos < )
cout << "SeqList_Get Err, list == NULL" << endl;
return NULL ;
tlist = (TSeqList *)list;
return (SeqListNode*)tlist->node[pos];
} //删除一个节点
SeqListNode* SeqList_Delete(SeqList* list, int pos)
TSeqList *tlist = NULL;
SeqListNode* ret = ;
if(list == NULL || pos < )
cout << "Delete Err" << endl;
return NULL ;
tlist = (TSeqList *)list;
ret = (SeqListNode*)tlist->node[pos];
//pos 位置后的元素往前移动
for(int i = pos + ; i < tlist->length; i++)
tlist->node[i - ] = tlist->node[i];
return ret;
#include "User.h"
#include "seqList.h"
#include <iostream> using namespace std;
typedef struct Teacher
int age;
char name[]; }teacher; int main0()
int ret = ;
int i = ;
SeqList* list = NULL;
list = SeqList_Create(); teacher t1,t2,t3,t4,t5; t1.age = ;
t2.age = ;
t3.age = ;
t4.age = ;
t5.age = ;
ret = SeqList_Insert(list, (SeqListNode*) &t1, ); //测试容错
ret = SeqList_Insert(list, (SeqListNode*) &t3, );
ret = SeqList_Insert(list, (SeqListNode*) &t4, );
ret = SeqList_Insert(list, (SeqListNode*) &t5, );
for (;i < SeqList_Length(list); i++)
teacher* temp = (teacher*) SeqList_Get(list, i);
if (temp == NULL)
return ;
//cout << "temp->age: " << ((teacher* )SeqList_Get(list, i))->age << endl;
cout << "temp->age: " << temp->age << endl;
cout << endl;
//删除 并显示删除结果
int m = ;
while (SeqList_Length(list) > )
teacher *t = NULL;
t = (teacher*)SeqList_Delete(list, );
cout << "第" << m << "次头删的数据" << endl;
cout << "t->age" << t->age << endl;
cout << endl;
} //每次遍历删除头部后的链表
/*int m = 1;
while (SeqList_Length(list) > 0)
SeqList_Delete(list, 0);
cout << "第" << m << "次头删的结果" << endl;
for (i = 0;i < SeqList_Length(list); i++)
teacher* temp = (teacher*) SeqList_Get(list, i);
//cout << "temp->age: " << ((teacher* )SeqList_Get(list, i))->age << endl;
cout << "temp->age: " << temp->age << endl;
cout << endl;
return ;
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