nyoj 103 A + B problem II
A+B Problem II
- 描述
I have a very simple problem for you. Given two integers A and B, your job is to calculate the Sum of A + B.
A,B must be positive.
- 输入
- The first line of the input contains an integer T(1<=T<=20) which means the number of test cases. Then T lines follow, each line consists of two positive integers, A and B. Notice that the integers are very large, that means
you should not process them by using 32-bit integer. You may assume the length of each integer will not exceed 1000. - 输出
- For each test case, you should output two lines. The first line is "Case #:", # means the number of the test case. The second line is the an equation "A + B = Sum", Sum means the result of A + B. Note there are some spaces
int the equation. - 样例输入
1 2
112233445566778899 998877665544332211 - 样例输出
Case 1:
1 + 2 = 3
Case 2:
112233445566778899 + 998877665544332211 = 1111111111111111110
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
char str[2][1002];
int main(){
int len[2];
int num;
bool flag;
int i , j;
scanf("%d", &num);
for(j= 1; j <=num; j++) {
memset(str, 0, sizeof(str));
scanf("%s %s", str[0], str[1]);
printf("Case %d:\n", j);
printf("%s + %s = " , str[0] , str[1]);
len[0] = strlen(str[0]);
len[1] = strlen(str[1]);
reverse(str[0], str[0] + len[0]);
reverse(str[1], str[1] + len[1]);
if(len[0] > len[1]) flag = 0;
else flag = 1;
for(i= 0 ; str[!flag][i]; i++){
str[flag][i] += str[!flag][i] - '0';
for(i = 0 ;str[flag][i]; i++){
if(str[flag][i] > '9'){
if(str[flag][i + 1] < '0')
str[flag][i + 1] = '1';
str[flag][i + 1] ++;
str[flag][i] -= 10;
len[flag] = strlen(str[flag]);
reverse(str[flag], str[flag] + len[flag]);
printf("%s\n" , str[flag]);
return 0;
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