ion torrent ion proton
NGS 的视频 说的不错 一个做癌症的教授讲的
Ion Torrent™ next-generation sequencing
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) utilizes massively parallel sequencing to generate thousands of megabases of sequence information per day, opening doors to new research studies that were once difficult to accomplish in a practical manner. Powered by semiconductor chips, Ion Torrent™ sequencing technology is simpler, faster, and more cost-effective and scalable than other benchtop next-generation sequencing technologies. Experience the speed, scalability, and simplicity of Ion Torrent™ sequencing.
Ion Proton™ System for Next-Generation Sequencing
illumina公司和life technology公司
Unlike Illumina and 454, Ion torrent and Ion proton sequencing do not make use of optical signals. Instead, they exploit the fact that addition of a dNTP to a DNA polymer releases an H+ ion.
As in other kinds of NGS, the input DNA or RNA is fragmented, this time ~200bp. Adaptors are added and one molecule is placed onto a bead. The molecules are amplified on the bead by emulsion PCR. Each bead is placed into a single well of a slide.
Like 454, the slide is flooded with a single species of dNTP, along with buffers and polymerase, one NTP at a time. The pH is detected is each of the wells, as each H+ ion released will decrease the pH. The changes in pH allow us to determine if that base, and how many thereof, was added to the sequence read.
简单的说ion proton 识别碱基是通过ph值,而不是光学信号。
the output from an Ion Proton machine is regular fastq-format data files. You can pretty much use any NGS software that can handle this data for analysis. One thing to keep in mind is the quality scores from Ion runs are not completely equivalent to normal phred scores
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