

#include <stdio.h
#include <conio.h
#include <iostream.h //
// marks a location in the program for resume
// does not return control, exits function from inside macro
// yield( x, ret )
// x : the 'name' of the yield, cannot be ambiguous in the
// function namespace
// ret : the return value for when yield() exits the function; // must match function return type (leave blank for no return type) #define yield(x,ret) \
{ \
/* store the resume location */ \
__asm { \
mov _myStaticMkr,offset label_##x \
} \
/* return the supplied value */ \
return ret; \
} \
/* our offset in the function */ \
label_##x: //
// resumes function from the stored offset, or
// continues without notice if there's not one
// stored
// resume()
// <void #define resume() \
/* our stored offset */ \
static _myStaticMkr=; \
/* test for no offset */ \
if( _myStaticMkr ) \
{ \
/* resume from offset */ \
__asm \
{ \
jmp _myStaticMkr \
} \
} // example demonstrating a function with an int return type
// using the yield() and resume() macros
// myFunc()
// <void int myFunc()
resume(); cout << "1\n"; yield(,); cout << "2\n"; yield(,); cout << "3\n"; yield(,); cout << "4\n"; return ;
} // main function
// main()
// <void void main( void )
cout << "Yield in C++\n";
cout << "Chris Pergrossi\n\n"; myFunc(); do {
cout << "main()\n";
} while( myFunc() ); cout.flush(); getch();
} /* // example demonstrating a function with no return type
// using the yield() and resume() macros
// myFunc()
// <void void myFunc()
resume(); cout << "1\n"; yield(1); cout << "2\n"; yield(2); cout << "3\n"; yield(3); cout << "4\n"; return;
} // main function
// main()
// <void void main( void )
cout << "Yield in C++\n";
cout << "Chris Pergrossi\n\n"; myFunc(); for( int k = 0; k < 4; k ++ )
cout << "main()\n";
cout.flush(); myFunc();
} cout.flush(); getch();
} */


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