
 import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.*; public class Main {
BigInteger n0 = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
BigInteger n1 = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
BigInteger n2 = BigInteger.valueOf(2);
BigInteger n10 = BigInteger.valueOf(10);
BigInteger n9 = BigInteger.valueOf(9);
BigInteger rev = BigInteger.valueOf(-1);
BigInteger n45 = new BigInteger("45");
BigInteger p[] = new BigInteger [110];
BigInteger P[] = new BigInteger [110];
BigInteger dP[] = new BigInteger [110];
BigInteger M[] = new BigInteger [110];
void init(){
dP[0] = P[0] = p[0] = n0;
M[0] = n1;
for(int i = 1; i < 102; i++){
p[i] = M[i - 1].multiply(n45);
p[i] = p[i].subtract(n9.multiply(P[i - 1]));
P[i] = p[i].subtract(P[i - 1]);
dP[i] = dP[i - 1].add(p[i]);
M[i] = M[i - 1].multiply(n10);
//System.out.println("M" + i + " " + M[i]);
} BigInteger getAns(BigInteger num){
if(num.equals(n0)) return n0;
if(num.compareTo(n0) > 0 && num.compareTo(n9) <= 0) return num.add(n1).multiply(num).divide(n2);
String str = num.toString();
int len = str.length();
BigInteger first = num.divide(M[len - 1]);
BigInteger new_num = num.mod(M[len - 1]);
BigInteger tem = dP[len - 1];
//System.out.println("tem" + tem);
tem = tem.add(M[len - 1].multiply(first.multiply(first.subtract(n1)).divide(n2)));
tem = tem.subtract((first.subtract(n1)).multiply(P[len - 1]));
tem = tem.add(new_num.add(n1).multiply(first));
if(new_num.equals(n0)) return tem;
BigInteger sign = n1;
int tmp = len - 1;
sign = sign.multiply(rev);
while(new_num.compareTo(n0) > 0){
//System.out.println("tem " + tem);
//System.out.println("new_num" + new_num);
String new_str = new_num.toString();
int new_len = new_str.length();
BigInteger new_sign = (len - 1) % 2 == 0 ? n1 : rev;
int i = 1;
//System.out.println("new_len" + new_len);
while(i < new_len){
tem = tem.add(new_sign.multiply(p[i]));
//System.out.println("i" + i + "p[i]" + p[i] + "tem" + tem);
new_sign = new_sign.multiply(rev);
//System.out.println("new_sign" + new_sign);
BigInteger new_first = new_num.divide(M[new_len - 1]);
tem = tem.add(new_first.subtract(n1).multiply(new_first).divide(n2).multiply(M[new_len - 1]).multiply(new_sign));
//System.out.println("tem" + tem);
tem = tem.add(new_sign.multiply(rev).multiply(new_first.subtract(n1)).multiply(P[new_len - 1]));
//System.out.println("tem" + tem);
new_num = new_num.mod(M[new_len - 1]);
tem = tem.add(new_first.multiply(n1.add(new_num)).multiply(new_sign));
return tem;
} BigInteger f(BigInteger num){
if(num.compareTo(n0) < 0){
BigInteger tem = num.divide(n9);
num = num.add(tem.multiply(n9).multiply(rev));
while(num.compareTo(n0) > 0) num = num.subtract(n9);
while(num.compareTo(n0) <= 0) num = num.add(n9);
if(num.compareTo(n0) >= 0 && num.compareTo(n9) <= 0) return num;
BigInteger tem = n0;
while(num.compareTo(n0) > 0){
tem = tem.add(num.mod(n10));
num = num.divide(n10);
return f(tem);
} void solve(){
Scanner cin = new Scanner(System.in);
int T = cin.nextInt();
while(T-- != 0){
String stra = cin.next();
String strb = cin.next();
BigInteger a = new BigInteger(stra);
BigInteger b = new BigInteger(strb);
BigInteger front = a.equals(n0) ? n0 : getAns(a.subtract(n1));
BigInteger rear = getAns(b);
//System.out.println("rear" + rear);
BigInteger ans = rear.subtract(front);
BigInteger fAns = f(ans);
if(fAns.equals(n0)) System.out.println("Error!");
// System.out.println("ans" + ans);
//System.out.println("fAns" + fAns);
ans = ans.mod(fAns).add(fAns).mod(fAns);
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
Main e = new Main();

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