平衡树总是有用的,set由于过度封装没有办法实现找比x小的元素有多少个,这就显得很不方便了,所以封装了个Treap,万一以后用的着呢- -01

#pragma warning(disable:4996)
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std; #define maxn 420000
const int inf = ~0U >> 1;
struct Node
int val, key, size; // value stored,priority key,size of total,number of current value
Node *ch[2];
val = size = 0;
key = inf;
void upd(){
size = ch[0]->size + ch[1]->size + 1;
}; Node mem[maxn], *C = mem; Node *make(int v,Node *p){
C->ch[0] = C->ch[1] = p;
C->val = v; C->key = rand() - 1;
C->size = 1;
return C++;
} Node *make_null(){
C->ch[0] = C->ch[1] = 0;
C->val = 0; C->key = inf;
C->size = 0;
return C++;
} struct Treap
Node *root, *null;
void rot(Node *&u, int d){
Node *v = u->ch[d];
u->ch[d] = v->ch[!d];
v->ch[!d] = u;
u->upd(); v->upd();
u = v;
void insert(Node *&u, int k){
if (u == null) u = make(k, null);
else if (u->val == k) return;
int d = k > u->val;
Node *&v = u->ch[d];
insert(v, k);
if (v->key < u->key) rot(u, d);
void erase(Node *&u, int k){
if (u == null) return;
if (u->val == k){
int d = u->ch[1]->key < u->ch[0]->key;
if (u->ch[d] == null) {
u = null; return;
rot(u, d);
erase(u->ch[!d], k);
else erase(u->ch[k>u->val], k);
// left side has size of k
Node *select(Node *u, int k){
int r = u->ch[0]->size;
if (k == r)
return u;
if (k < r) return select(u->ch[0], k);
return select(u->ch[1], k - r - 1);
// return the number of elements smaller than x
int rank(Node *u, int x){
if (u == null) return 0;
int r = u->ch[0]->size;
if (x == u->val) return r;
else if (x < u->val) return rank(u->ch[0], x);
else return r + 1 + rank(u->ch[1], x);
bool find(Node *u, int x){
if (u == null) return false;
if (x == u->val) return true;
else return find(u->ch[x>u->val], x);
null = make_null();
root = null;
void init(){
null = make_null();
root = null;
void insert(int x){
insert(root, x);
void erase(int x){
erase(root, x);
int select(int k){
if (k > root->size) return -inf;
else return select(root, k - 1)->val;
// return the element that is smaller than x
int rank(int x){
return rank(root, x);
// return whether x exist
bool find(int x){
return find(root, x);
}treap; int main()
int m; scanf("%d\n", &m);
char cmd;
int x;
while (m--){
scanf("%c %d\n", &cmd, &x);
if (cmd == 'I') treap.insert(x);
else if (cmd == 'D') treap.erase(x);
else if (cmd == 'K') {
int ans = treap.select(x);
if (ans == -inf) printf("invalid\n");
else printf("%d\n", ans);
printf("%d\n", treap.rank(x));
return 0;


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