537. 复数乘法

537. Complex Number Multiplication


Given two strings representing two complex numbers.

You need to return a string representing their multiplication. Note i2 = -1 according to the definition.

LeetCode537. Complex Number Multiplication中等

Example 1:

Input: "1+1i", "1+1i"
Output: "0+2i"
Explanation: (1 + i) * (1 + i) = 1 + i2 + 2 * i = 2i, and you need convert it to the form of 0+2i.

Example 2:

Input: "1+-1i", "1+-1i"
Output: "0+-2i"
Explanation: (1 - i) * (1 - i) = 1 + i2 - 2 * i = -2i, and you need convert it to the form of 0+-2i.


  1. The input strings will not have extra blank.
  2. The input strings will be given in the form of a+bi, where the integer a and b will both belong to the range of [-100, 100]. And the output should be also in this form.

Java 实现

class Solution {
// 复数的乘法: (a+bi)(c+di)=(ac-bd)+(bc+ad)i
public String complexNumberMultiply(String a, String b) {
int[] arrA = getValue(a);
int[] arrB = getValue(b);
int x = arrA[0] * arrB[0] - arrA[1] * arrB[1];
int y = arrA[1] * arrB[0] + arrA[0] * arrB[1];
return x + "+" + y + "i";
} private int[] getValue(String s) {
String[] str = s.split("\\+");
int[] val = new int[2];
val[0] = Integer.parseInt(str[0]);
val[1] = Integer.parseInt(str[1].replace("i", ""));
return val;


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