


001 要点总结:
1. 本富兰克林方法:
2. 辅音T在两个元音之间,发音像D
3. 三个词是作为一个整体读:“a lot of,a lot of”,重音在中间的单词上
4. people ask me, ask这个单词以辅音结束,以元音开头,中间没有停顿,“a lot of people ask”,这个L是和后面的元音紧密相连的, 要连读发音像 lask
5. 发音困难的单词要标记
6. 标记/æ/,标记单词中音节的重音,弱读的to
7. 半句结尾用升调
8. 整句重音的变化和跳跃感
9. Native,T又变成了D,当T两个元音之间被浊化,像D
10. 辅音结尾,元音开头的音:like a,辅音K和弱化的a连读,ka
11. 其他方法建议:


First, we're going to do a Ben Franklin exercise.

  • 本富兰克林练习

    This is when you write down everything you can about what you hear: whether or not you hear words being linked, or if you hear something being reduced, for example. 这个练习是要你写下一切听到的东西:比如,你听到的单词有没有被连读,或者有没有地方被略读。

    " A lot of people ask me if it's possible to sound like a native speaker-- A lot of people ask me."

    So the first thing I notice is that this T is a flap T, it sounds like a D, " a lot of, " that's because it's coming between two vowel sounds. 首先我注意到的就是,这里的T是一个浊音,听起来就像是D,“a lot of”,这是因为这个T在两个元音之间。

    I also notice that I hear these three words as one unit: " a lot of, a lot of, " with the stress happening on the middle word. 我还注意到了,这三个词是作为一个整体来读的:“a lot of,a lot of”,重音在中间的单词上。

" A lot of, a lot of people ask me--" I also notice that this word ends in a consonant, this word begins with a vowel, there's no punctuation in-between, " a lot of people ask, " and I do hear that L as really linking to the beginning vowel sound: " people ask." “A lot of, a lot of people ask me--” 我还注意到这个单词以辅音结束,以元音开头,中间没有停顿,“a lot of people ask”,这个L是和后面的元音紧密相连的:“people ask”。

  • 如下图:


Another thing you'll want to note as you listen is any sounds that you know are difficult for you. 对于那些你觉得很难的词,你也应该记下来。

  • 这是关于富兰克林方法的细节

For example, many of my students have problems integrating the /æ/ sound into their speech. 比如,我有很多学生在讲话中都不会用/æ/音。

They know how to do it, but they just don't use it in speech. 他们知道怎样发音,但在讲话中就是不会运用。

So I would definitely, if was one of them, mark this /æ/ vowel, so that I'll be sure to note it, and then will hopefully begin to integrate /æ/ into my speech when I see this word 'ask. ' " A lot of people ask me." 如果我也是这样的话,我肯定会标记这个/æ/音,这样我一定会注意到它,再看到“ask”时就很可能会使用这个/æ/音。

  • 如图:



if it's possible to sound, if it's possible to sound--"
So, I notice the stress here: possible, first syllable is stressed, " to sound, " I notice that has stress too. " --if it's possible to sound--" 这里注意重音,possible的重音在第一个音节上,“to sound” 这里也有重音。“--if it's possible to sound--”

  • 图解:


The word 'to' is definitely reduced to the schwa, so I may mark that so I don't forget to reduce it. " Possible to sound." 单词to要弱读,所以我可能会做个记号防止我忘记弱读它。“Possible to sound”。

  • 图解:


" If it's, if it's." Here's another case where one word ends in a consonant sound, the next word begins with a vowel sound, " if it's, if it's, " and I do definitely hear those connecting together. " If it's possible to sound." “If it's,if it's”。这里又是一个以辅音结尾,元音开头的例子,“if it's,if it's”,这里肯定就需要连读了:“If it's possible to sound”。

  • 图解:


“A lot of people ask me if it's possible to sound like a native speaker-- like a native speaker--”

I notice my voice goes up at the end here, " speaker." That's because the sentence isn't over, the next word is " if." 我注意到,在句尾“speaker”这里我的音调上升。这是因为句子在这里没有结束,后面还有“if”。

  • 注意句子没结束,要升调:


I also notice the stress is big, small, big, small, big, small. " Like a native speaker." DA da DA da DA da. " Like a native speaker." 我还注意到了,这里的重音是强,弱,强,弱,强,弱。“Like a native speaker”。哒哒哒哒哒哒。“Like a native speaker”。

  • 注意重音的变化:


Also, again here we have ending consonant sound/beginning vowel sound: like a, like a. I hear the K linking to the schwa. " Like a. Like a native speaker." 还有这里又出现了辅音结尾,元音开头的音:like a,like a。我听到了辅音K和弱化的a连读:“Like a. Like a native speaker”。

  • 连读部分:


" Native --" I hear this T as a D because again, it's a T coming between two vowel sounds: will be a flap T, sounds like a D. " Like a native speaker." “Native --” 我听到这个T又变成了D,当T出现在两个元音之间时,它就会被浊化,听起来就像D:“Like a native speaker”。


In the entire sentence, I don't hear any gaps or pauses between words. 在整个句子里,我没有听到单词之间有任何停顿或间隔。

So in some cases, there's a very obvious link, like when one word ends with a consonant and the next word begins with a vowel. 所以有些情况下单词之间会有很明显的连读,比如以辅音结尾,而后面跟的词以元音开头时就要连读。

But even when there's not a very obvious linking sound, there's never a gap between the words. 但是有时即使没有明显的连读,单词之间也不会有间隔。

We've been working for several minutes, and here we are only half way through one sentence. 我们已经练习了几分钟了,现在只完成了半个句子。

This is just an example of how you might take notes from the audio or video clip of your choice. 这只是一个例子,示范一下如何从你喜欢的视频或者音频中记笔记。

After you've listened several times and taken thorough notes, you then put the audio or video away and, from your notes, try to speak the way the native speaker was speaking. 当你听了几次,详细地记录下来后,可以把音频或视频放到一边,参考笔记来按照英语母语者的方式来发音。

If you can, record yourself, and then compare this to the native speaker. 如果可以的话,把你的声音录下来,然后跟英语母语者的音频相对比。

This is how you can figure out where you still need to work. 这样你就可以找出你需要加强的地方了。

And I loop things three times in an imitation exercise so that you begin to think about the pitch changes and the musicality of the speech, rather than the individual words themselves. 我在一次模仿练习中会循环播放三次录音,这样你就可以琢磨一下语音和语调的变化,而不用去纠结具体的单词本身。

Repeat it back exactly as you hear it, even if you're not sure of the individual words. It's ok, that's not what we're going for in this particular exercise. 重复你所听到的内容,即使你不确定具体的单词也没关系。我们现在注重的不是单词的精确度。

Because of the internet, there really is an endless supply of audio and video where English is being spoken by native speakers. 由于网络的发展,现在有很多英语母语者的音频或视频资源。

I know looping something over and over, as in the imitation exercise, can be more of a hassle on your own. 我明白像模仿练习里这样自己不断循环练习是件很麻烦的事儿。

That's why, on my website, I do have both Ben Franklin and imitation exercises ready for you. 所以,我在我的网站上同时为你们准备了本·富兰克林练习和模仿练习。

So I encourage you to take a look at these, or any other audio or video clip that interests you, and turn it into a pronunciation exercise: study it this way. 我鼓励你们来看这些视频,或是其他你感兴趣的视频,然后把它变成一个发音练习:用这种方法来学习。

It will really take you far in your practice. 这样的练习会明显改善你的水平。


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