[Postgres] Group and Aggregate Data in Postgres
How can we see a histogram of movies on IMDB with a particular rating? Or how much movies grossed at the box office each month? Or how many movies there are of each genre? These are examples of data aggregation questions, and this lesson will teach us how to answer them.
In the table we have 'action', 'animation'... 'short' categories. They all use 'true' of 'false'.
What if we want to use those by its categoreis not just ture of false?
We can use 'CASE' in Postgres.
WHEN action=true THEN 'action'
WHEN animation=true THEN 'animation'
WHEN comedy=true THEN 'comedy'
WHEN drama=true THEN 'drama'
WHEN short=true THEN 'short'
ELSE 'other'
END AS genre,
FROM movies
And now we want to get "how many movies for each category" from previous result.
What we can do is using "GROUP BY" and "WITH":
WITH genres AS(
WHEN action=true THEN 'action'
WHEN animation=true THEN 'animation'
WHEN comedy=true THEN 'comedy'
WHEN drama=true THEN 'drama'
WHEN short=true THEN 'short'
ELSE 'other'
END AS genre,
FROM movies
SELECT genre,
FROM genres
GROUP BY genre;
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