虽然说只要高级语言能转换成 LLVM IR,就能被编译成 WebAssembly 字节码,官方也推荐c/c++的方式,但是让一个前端工程师去熟练使用c/c++显然是有点困难,那么TypeScript 的方式便是前端编写 WebAssembly 最佳选择。

要将TypeScript 编译为WebAssembly,就要用到AssemblyScript编译器了。

AssemblyScript使用Binaryen(Emscripten的WebAssembly后端)将严格类型化的TypeScript(基本的带有类型的JavaScript)编译为WebAssembly,虽然它提供了几种新的特定于WebAssembly的类型和内置函数,但它本身并不是一种真正的语言,而是一种编译器变体。 它生成精简的WebAssembly模块,只需要一个npm安装。



 cnpm install --save-dev AssemblyScript/assemblyscript


 E:\Code\assembly>cnpm install --save-dev AssemblyScript/assemblyscript
- [@AssemblyScript/assemblyscript] install from git github:AssemblyScript/assemblyscript, may be very slow, please keep patience
√ Installed packages
√ Linked latest versions
√ Run scripts
Recently updated (since --): packages (detail see file E:\Code\assembly\node_modules\.recently_updates.txt)
√ All packages installed ( packages installed from npm registry, packages installed from git, used 1m(network 1m), speed .27kB/s, json (.43kB), tarball .23kB)



 npx asinit .


 E:\Code\assembly>npx asinit .
Version: 0.6. This command will make sure that the following files exist in the project
directory 'E:\Code\assembly': ./assembly
Directory holding the AssemblyScript sources being compiled to WebAssembly. ./assembly/tsconfig.json
TypeScript configuration inheriting recommended AssemblyScript settings. ./assembly/index.ts
Exemplary entry file being compiled to WebAssembly to get you started. ./build
Build artifact directory where compiled WebAssembly files are stored. ./build/.gitignore
Git configuration that excludes compiled binaries from source control. ./index.js
Main file loading the WebAssembly module and exporting its exports. ./package.json
Package info containing the necessary commands to compile to WebAssembly. The command will try to update existing files to match the correct settings
for this instance of the compiler in 'E:\Code\assembly\node_modules\_assemblyscript@0.6.0@assemblyscript'. Do you want to proceed? [Y/n] y - Making sure that the project directory exists...
Exists: E:\Code\assembly - Making sure that the 'assembly' directory exists...
Created: E:\Code\assembly\assembly - Making sure that 'assembly/tsconfig.json' is set up...
Created: E:\Code\assembly\assembly\tsconfig.json - Making sure that 'assembly/index.ts' exists...
Created: E:\Code\assembly\assembly\index.ts - Making sure that the 'build' directory exists...
Created: E:\Code\assembly\build - Making sure that 'build/.gitignore' is set up...
Created: E:\Code\assembly\build\.gitignore - Making sure that 'package.json' contains the build commands...
Updated: E:\Code\assembly\package.json - Making sure that 'index.js' exists...
Created: E:\Code\assembly\index.js Done! To edit the entry file, open 'assembly/index.ts' in your editor of choice.
Create as many additional files as necessary and use them as imports. To build the entry file to WebAssembly when you are ready, run: npm run asbuild Running the command above creates the following binaries incl. their respective
text format representations and source maps: ./build/untouched.wasm
./build/untouched.wat ^ The untouched WebAssembly module as generated by the compiler.
This one matches your sources exactly, without any optimizations. ./build/optimized.wasm
./build/optimized.wat ^ The optimized WebAssembly module using default optimization settings (-O2s).
You can change the optimization settings in 'package.json'. Additional documentation is available at the AssemblyScript wiki: https://github.com/AssemblyScript/assemblyscript/wiki Have a nice day! E:\Code\assembly>



assembly / index.ts上的示例性条目文件



 npm run asbuild



 $> git clone https://github.com/AssemblyScript/assemblyscript.git
$> cd assemblyscript
$> npm install
$> npm link

请注意,编译器的新克隆将使用dist /中的分发文件,但它也可以在npm运行清理后直接通过ts节点运行源,这在开发中很有用。 也可以通过运行asc -v来检查这种情况(如果它声明-dev则运行源)。



例如,用 TypeScript 实现斐波那契序列计算的模块 f.ts 如下:

 export function f(x: i32): i32 {
if (x === 1 || x === 2) {
return 1;
return f(x - 1) + f(x - 2)

执行以下asc命令,就能把以上代码编译成可运行的 WebAssembly 模块,比起c/c++的编译方式,这种人性化多了。

 asc f.ts -o f.wasm

以上代码中出现了一个新的内置类型 i32,这是 AssemblyScript 在 TypeScript 的基础上内置的类型。 AssemblyScript 和 TypeScript 有细微区别,AssemblyScript 是 TypeScript 的子集,为了方便编译成 WebAssembly 在 TypeScript 的基础上加了更严格的类型限制, 区别如下:

  • 比 TypeScript 多了很多更细致的内置类型,以优化性能和内存占用,详情文档;
  • 不能使用 any 和 undefined 类型,以及枚举类型;
  • 可空类型的变量必须是引用类型,而不能是基本数据类型如 string、number、boolean;
  • 函数中的可选参数必须提供默认值,函数必须有返回类型,无返回值的函数返回类型需要是 void;
  • 不能使用 JS 环境中的内置函数,只能使用 AssemblyScript 提供的内置函数

总体来说 AssemblyScript 比 TypeScript 又多了很多限制,编写起来会觉得局限性很大; 用 AssemblyScript 来写 WebAssembly 经常会出现 tsc 编译通过但运行 WebAssembly 时出错的情况,这很可能就是你没有遵守以上限制导致的;但 AssemblyScript 通过修改 TypeScript 编译器默认配置能在编译阶段找出大多错误。

AssemblyScript 的实现原理其实也借助了 LLVM,它通过 TypeScript 编译器把 TS 源码解析成 AST,再把 AST 翻译成 IR,再通过 LLVM 编译成 WebAssembly 字节码实现; 上面提到的各种限制都是为了方便把 AST 转换成 LLVM IR。


asc [entryFile ...] [options] EXAMPLES
asc hello.ts
asc hello.ts -b hello.wasm -t hello.wat
asc hello1.ts hello2.ts -b -O > hello.wasm OPTIONS
--version, -v Prints just the compiler's version and exits.
--help, -h Prints this message and exits.
--optimize, -O Optimizes the module. Also has the usual shorthands: -O Uses defaults. Equivalent to -O2s
-O0 Equivalent to --optimizeLevel 0
-O1 Equivalent to --optimizeLevel 1
-O2 Equivalent to --optimizeLevel 2
-O3 Equivalent to --optimizeLevel 3
-Oz Equivalent to -O but with --shrinkLevel 2
-O3s Equivalent to -O3 with --shrinkLevel 1 etc. --optimizeLevel How much to focus on optimizing code. [0-3]
--shrinkLevel How much to focus on shrinking code size. [0-2, s=1, z=2]
--validate, -c Validates the module using Binaryen. Exits if invalid.
--baseDir Specifies the base directory of input and output files.
--outFile, -o Specifies the output file. File extension indicates format.
--binaryFile, -b Specifies the binary output file (.wasm).
--textFile, -t Specifies the text output file (.wat).
--asmjsFile, -a Specifies the asm.js output file (.js).
--idlFile, -i Specifies the WebIDL output file (.webidl).
--tsdFile, -d Specifies the TypeScript definition output file (.d.ts).
--sourceMap Enables source map generation. Optionally takes the URL
used to reference the source map from the binary file.
--debug Enables debug information in emitted binaries.
--noAssert Replaces assertions with just their value without trapping.
--noEmit Performs compilation as usual but does not emit code.
--importMemory Imports the memory instance provided by the embedder.
--sharedMemory Declare memory as shared by settings the max shared memory.
--memoryBase Sets the start offset of compiler-generated static memory.
--importTable Imports the function table instance provided by the embedder.
--noLib Does not include the shipped standard library.
--lib Adds one or multiple paths to custom library components and
uses exports of all top-level files at this path as globals.
--use, -u Aliases a global object under another name, e.g., to switch
the default 'Math' implementation used: --use Math=JSMath
--trapMode Sets the trap mode to use. allow Allow trapping operations. This is the default.
clamp Replace trapping operations with clamping semantics.
js Replace trapping operations with JS semantics. --runPasses Specifies additional Binaryen passes to run after other
optimizations, if any. See: Binaryen/src/passes/pass.cpp
--enable Enables additional (experimental) WebAssembly features. sign-extension Enables sign-extension operations
mutable-global Enables mutable global imports and exports
bulk-memory Enables bulk memory operations
simd Enables SIMD types and operations.
threads Enables threading and atomic operations. --transform Specifies the path to a custom transform to 'require'.
--measure Prints measuring information on I/O and compile times.
--noColors Disables terminal colors.

编译器API也可以以编程方式使用。 它接受与CLI相同的选项,但也允许您覆盖stdout和stderr和/或提供回调:

 const asc = require("assemblyscript/cli/asc");
"--binaryFile", "myModule.wasm",
], {
stdout: process.stdout,
stderr: process.stderr
}, function(err) {
if (err)
throw err;


 const options = require("assemblyscript/cli/asc.json");


 const { binary, text, stdout, stderr } = asc.compileString(`...`, { optimize: 2 });



 const fs = require("fs");
const compiled = new WebAssembly.Module(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/build/optimized.wasm"));
const imports = {};
Object.defineProperty(module, "exports", {
get: () => new WebAssembly.Instance(compiled, imports).exports


 fetch('f.wasm') // 网络加载 f.wasm 文件
.then(res => res.arrayBuffer()) // 转成 ArrayBuffer
.then(WebAssembly.instantiate) // 编译为当前 CPU 架构的机器码 + 实例化
.then(mod => { // 调用模块实例上的 f 函数计算


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