using namespace std; // pair简单讲就是将两个数据整合成一个数据
// 本质上是有first, second两个成员变量的结构体
int main()
// pair两种构造的方法
// 方法1
pair<string, double> pA("one", 1.11);// 浮点数默认是double, float的话有会警告。 // 方法2
pair<string, int> pB;
pB = make_pair("two", 2); // pair的输出
cout << "pA : " << pA.first << " "<< pA.second << endl;
cout << "pB : " << pB.first << " "<< pB.second << endl; // 结合map的使用
map<string, double> mA;
mB.insert(pB); for (map<string, double>::iterator it = mA.begin(); it != mA.end(); ++it)
cout << "First Member of mA: " << it->first << endl;
cout << "Second Member of mA: " << it->second << endl;
} for (map<string, int>::iterator it = mB.begin(); it != mB.end(); ++it)
cout << "First Member of mB: " << it->first << endl;
cout << "Second Member of mB: " << it->second << endl;
return 0;
using namespace std; map<string, int> m;
pair<string,int> p; int main() { p = make_pair("one",1);//make_pair(),返回一个pair类型 cout << p.first << endl;//输出p的key,也就是"one"; cout << p.second << endl;//输出p的value,也就是1 m.insert(make_pair("two",2)); map<string, int>::iterator mit; mit = m.begin(); cout << mit->first << endl; cout << mit->second << endl;//分别输出“two”。和2 return 0;

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std; int main()
pair<string, string> anon; // 包括两个字符串
pair<string, int> word_count; // 包括字符串和整数
pair<string, vector<int> > line; // 包括字符串和一个int容器 pair<string, string> author("James", "Joyce"); // 定义成员时初始化
cout << author.first << " - " << author.second << endl; string firstBook; // 使用 . 訪问和測试pair数据成员
if (author.first == "James" && author.second == "Joyce") {
firstBook = "Stephen Hero";
cout << firstBook << endl;
} typedef pair<string, string> Author; // 简化声明一个作者pair类型
Author proust("Marcel", "Proust");
Author Joyce("James", "Joyce"); pair<string, string> next_auth;
string first, last;
while (cin >> first >> last) {
// 使用make_pair函数生成一个新pair对象
next_auth = make_pair(first, last);
// 使用make_pair函数,等价于以下这句
next_auth = pair<string, string> (first, last); cout << next_auth.first << " - " << next_auth.second << endl;
if (next_auth.first == next_auth.second)
break; // 输入两个相等,退出循环
} cout << "由于pair的数据成员是共同拥有的。因而能够直接读取输入" << endl;
while (cin >> next_auth.first >> next_auth.second) { cout << next_auth.first << " - " << next_auth.second << endl;
if (next_auth.first == next_auth.second)
} return 0;


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