Please refer to official site for installation  details :

Example installation for SUSE Linux SP2 12.2 + Docker  17.06.2

1. Prerequisites 

1.1. Get Docker EE URL by Registration , go to:                          sunnydockerid/Netxxxxx1   nbtoronto/Luuu123!@#  

1.2. OS requirements

    1. Linux version should be or higher than 12.x:

 # cat /etc/*release    

b. Firewall Configuration Check :

# systemctl list-unit-files | grep firewall 

Firewall Disabled: Docker creates a DOCKER iptables chain when it starts.

Firewall Enabled: adjust the start-up script order so that the firewall is   started before Docker, and Docker stops before the  firewall stops.

1.3. Uninstall old version: Older versions of Docker were called docker or docker-engine. If you use OS images from a cloud provider, you may need to remove the runc package, which conflicts with Docker EE

$ sudo zypper rm docker docker-ee runc 

$ sudo rpm -e docker-ee 

1.4. Check Filesystem

# cat /proc/filesystems | grep btrfs

btrfs should be listed.

1.5. Configure the Btrfs filesystem

1.5.1. Check file system:

df -T / /var /var/lib /var/lib/docker  

Note: duplicated result if you do not have separate mount point)

#mkdir /var/lib/docker  

Note: The only supported storage driver for Docker EE on SLES is Btrfs,

If the filesystem that hosts /var/lib/docker/ is not a BTRFS filesystem, you must configure a BTRFS filesystem and mount it on /var/lib/docker/.

1.5.2.   Format your dedicated block device or devices as a Btrfs filesystem.

# df –h   

# mkfs.btrfs -f  /dev/sda2  

1.5.3.  Mount the new Btrfs file system on the /var/lib/docker

 #mount -t btrfs /dev/sda2  /var/lib/docker  

 2. Install Docker EE

2.1 Using the repository 

STEP 1:    SET UP THE REPOSITORY  Add a $DOCKER_EE_URL variable into your environment

DOCKER_EE_URL="<DOCKER-EE-URL>/sles/12.3/x86_64/stable-17.06" set up the stable repository

sudo zypper addrepo $DOCKER_EE_URL docker-ee-stable Import the GPG key from the repository

sudo rpm --import "<DOCKER-EE-URL>/sles/gpg"

Notes:  please be aware of the value is DOCKER-EE-URL, NOT DOCKER_EE_URL.

STEP 2: INSTALL DOCKER EE Update the zypper package index

sudo zypper refresh Install the latest version of docker-ee

sudo zypper install docker-ee   

$ sudo docker info install a specific version: List binary packages and is truncated:

$ zypper search -s --match-exact -t package docker-ee

Note:omit the -t package flag from the command to also list source packages

$sudo zypper install docker-ee-<VERSION_STRING> Docker EE to use the Btrfs filesystem.

This is only required if the / filesystem is not using BTRFS.

# /etc/docker/daemon.json (create it if it does not exist) and add the following contents:

{  "storage-driver": "btrfs"}

2.1.3. Start Docker:

$ sudo service docker start 

$ sudo docker info 



2.1.4. Verify that Docker EE

$ sudo docker run hello-world 

This command downloads a test image and runs it in a container. When the container runs, it prints an informational message and exits.

systemctl status docker.service


2.2. From a Package 

2.2.1. Download the .rpm file and install it manually


2.2.2.Import Docker’s official GPG key:

$ sudo rpm --import <DOCKER-EE-URL>/sles/gpg

2.2.3.Install Docker EE

$ sudo zypper install /path/to/package.rpm

Docker EE is installed but not started. The docker group is created, but no users are added to the group.

2.2.4. Edit the file /etc/docker/daemon.json (create it if it does not exist)

{ "storage-driver": "btrfs" }

2.2.5.Start Docker:

$ sudo service docker start

2.2.6.Verify that Docker EE

$ sudo docker run hello-world

This command downloads a test image and runs it in a container. When the container runs, it prints an informational message and exits.

3. Post-installation steps for Linux 

3.1.  Configure Docker to start on boot

$ sudo systemctl enable docker (or upstart)

"Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service."

3.2.  Add user to docker group

$sudo usermod –a -G docker username

4. Uninstall Docker EE 

4.1 Uninstall the Docker EE package

$ sudo zypper rm docker-ee

Delete all images, containers, and volumes on your host:

$ sudo rm –rf /var/lib/docker/*

4.2 Unmount and format the Btrfs filesystem

If you used a separate BTRFS filesystem to host the contents of /var/lib/docker/, you can unmount and format the Btrfs filesystem.

$ sudo unmount /dev/sda2/  /var/lib/docker

4.3 Manually  delete any edited configuration files

e.g  /etc/docker/daemon.json


5. Reference

  • Docker overview:
  • About Docker CE

  • About Docker EE

  • Docker EE for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4

  • Docker Installation in SLES SP2

  • Post-installation steps for Linux


For ,

" Install the latest version of docker-ee

sudo zypper install docker-ee   "

You may encounter below issues:

  • A:

" Failed to mount cd:///?devices=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-VMware_Virtual_IDE_CDROM_Drive_10000000000000000001 on /var/adm/mount/AP_0xxXbHZP: Mounting media failed (mount: no medium found on /dev/sr0)



Step 1:  Right click on your vm at home page,  make sure the  two highlighted check boxes and file path is right, then click OK

Step 2: run the command again:

# zypper install docker-ee

Solution 2:

if you are not able to access to  host home page , in the  terminal, run command below :

$ sudo zypper lr –d

$sudo  zypper mr -d -R -p 101 1

Then reinstall docker-ee again:

$sudo zypper install docker-ee

  • :  
    If you encounter below error, please check you networking setting:

Solution: In Modify DNS Configuration, select the way the DNS configuration (name servers, search list, the content of the/etc/resolv.conf file) is modified.

Adding the following lines at the end of the file:

search suse

nameserver (modify accord to your host machine)


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