The Chromium Input team (aka input-dev) is a web platform team focused on making touch (P1) and other forms of input (P2) awesome on the web.  High-level goals:
  • Measure & improve input-to-paint latency. Web pages should stick to your finger!
  • Reduce web-developer pain points around input and scrolling, including improving interoperability between browser engines, predictability, simplicity and consistency between chromium platforms.
  • Enable high-performance rich touch interactions (such as pull-to-refresh) on the web.
  • Ensure Chrome UI features driven by input over the contents area provide a great experience to both end-users and web developers.
  • Enable the productivity of any chromium developer working with input-related code through effective code ownership and code health initiatives.
See also our concrete quarterly objectives.
Contacts is our mailing list, and we sometimes use the #chromium-input-dev IRC channel on Freenode. 
Useful bug queries
Key Learning Resources
Design Docs
Presentations / talks

Input Team的更多相关文章

  1. BZOJ 4742: [Usaco2016 Dec]Team Building

    4742: [Usaco2016 Dec]Team Building Time Limit: 10 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 21  Solved: 16[Su ...

  2. POJ1112 Team Them Up![二分图染色 补图 01背包]

    Team Them Up! Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 7608   Accepted: 2041   S ...

  3. hdu 1387(Team Queue) STL

    Team Queue Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total ...

  4. Codeforces 410C.Team[构造]

    C. Team time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output ...

  5. 【POJ 1112】Team Them Up!(二分图染色+DP)

    Description Your task is to divide a number of persons into two teams, in such a way, that: everyone ...

  6. HDU 4251 The Famous ICPC Team Again 主席树

    The Famous ICPC Team Again Problem Description   When Mr. B, Mr. G and Mr. M were preparing for the ...

  7. Team Queue (uva540 队列模拟)

    Team Queue Queues and Priority Queues are data structures which are known to most computer scientist ...

  8. sdut 2162:The Android University ACM Team Selection Contest(第二届山东省省赛原题,模拟题)

    The Android University ACM Team Selection Contest Time Limit: 1000ms   Memory limit: 65536K  有疑问?点这里 ...

  9. zoj The 12th Zhejiang Provincial Collegiate Programming Contest Team Formation The 12th Zhejiang Provincial ...


  1. ThinkPHP5.0框架开发--第9章 TP5.0视图和模板

    ThinkPHP5.0框架开发--第9章 TP5.0视图和模板 第9章 TP5.0视图和模板 ===================================================== ...

  2. akka 原理分析优秀博客 ...

  3. PSSecurityException之PowerShell权限设置

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  4. python 3.x 学习笔记12 (反射 and 异常)

    1.反射通过字符串映射或修改程序运行时的状态.属性.方法 getattr(obj,name_str):  根据字符串name_str去获取obj对象里的对应的方法的内存地址 hasttr(obj,na ...

  5. Android TextView加上阴影效果

    <TextView android:id="@+id/test_shadow" android:layout_width="wrap_content" a ...

  6. 【Java】新建的web项目的jsp页面报错的解决方法

    一.错误信息 当用Eclipse新建web项目后,在里面建个jsp页面可能出现如下图的错误,jsp文件有一个红叉: 主要原因是:依赖tomcat类库 解决方案:项目右击—>build path ...

  7. ADO.NET之断开数据连接的数据库操作

    在ADO.NET对数据库操作时有两种方式一种时与数据库实时连接,第二种时断开连接的操作. 断开连接的操作使用SqlDataAdapter来实现,我们要把数据库中的表数据加载到winform中的data ...

  8. 数据库用varchar存储时间时会出现时间差解决办法

    用varchar存储时间,最后提取数据库时间字段会出现时间差问题. 当我们调用数据库时间字段时,会出现时间差,使得查询的数据查询不到,解决办法如下 CAST( 字段名as DATE) between ...

  9. 使用了未经检查或不安全的操作。有关详细信息, 请使用 -Xlint:unchecked 重新编译。


  10. document.body
