cxf http 代码自动生成
1.下载 cxf
2.配置 CXF 环境变量
在 Path 后添加 %CXF_HOME%/bin;
wsdl2java -v
我这里做的是 http 协议,请确认 wsdl 文件中指定的协议类型为 http
<soap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
打开 cmd 进入 wsdl 所在目录执行
wsdl2java -server -impl -encoding UTF8 -d E:\work\waikuai\pom\cxf\src\main\java HelloEsbService.wsdl
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:jaxws=""
<import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml" />
<import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-servlet.xml" /> <jaxws:endpoint id="userService"
</jaxws:endpoint> </beans>
<cxf.version>3.1.</cxf.version> <dependency>
"-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
"" > <web-app>
<display-name>Archetype Created Web Application</display-name> <context-param>
</context-param> <listener>
</listener> <listener>
</servlet-mapping> </web-app>
7.启动测试 访问
cmd 进入客户端源码目录执行
wsdl2java -keep http://localhost:8015/cxf/cxf/userWS?wsdl
wsdl2java -client -impl -encoding UTF8 -d E:\work\waikuai\pom\cxf_client\src\main\java HelloEsbService.wsdl
9.打开生成的模拟客户端 _cliet 调用接口ok
这个client 没有集成 spring
10. 客户端 spring 配置
<bean id="client" class="com.midea.service.esbpro.abstraction.atomic.technology_helloesbservice.v1.HelloEsbService" factory-bean="clientFactory" factory-method="create"/>
<bean id="clientFactory" class="org.apache.cxf.jaxws.JaxWsProxyFactoryBean">
<property name="serviceClass" value="com.midea.service.esbpro.abstraction.atomic.technology_helloesbservice.v1.HelloEsbService"/>
<property name="address" value="http://localhost:8015/cxf/cxf/userWS?wsdl"/>
11. 查看wsdl2java 帮助
wsdl2java -help
wsdl2java -fe|-frontend <front-end-name> -db|-databinding <data-binding-name> -wv <wsdl-version> -p <[wsdl-namespace =]package-name>* -sn <service-name> -b <binding-file-name>* -reserveClass <class-name>* -catalog <catalog-file-name> -d <output-directory> -compile -classdir <compile-classes-directory> -impl -server -client -clientjar <jar-file-name> -all -autoNameResolution -allowElementReferences|-aer<=true> -defaultValues<=class-name-for-DefaultValueProvider> -ant -nexclude <schema-namespace [= java-package-name]>* -exsh <(true, false)> -noTypes -dns <Default value is true> -dex <(true, false)> -validate<[=all|basic|none]> -keep -wsdlLocation <wsdlLocation> -xjc<xjc-arguments>* -asyncMethods<[=method1,method2,...]>* -bareMethods<[=method1,method2,...]>* -mimeMethods<[=method1,method2,...]>* -noAddressBinding -faultSerialVersionUID <fault-serialVersionUID> -encoding <encoding> -exceptionSuper <exceptionSuper> -seiSuper <seiSuper>* -mark-generated -h|-?|-help -version|-v -verbose|-V -quiet|-q|-Q -wsdlList <wsdlurl> Options: -fe|-frontend <front-end-name>
Specifies the front end. (defaults to JAXWS) -db|-databinding <data-binding-name>
Specifies the data binding. (defaults to JAXB) -wv <wsdl-version>
Specifies the WSDL version. (default is WSDL1.) -p <[wsdl-namespace =]package-name>*
Specifies the java package name to use for the generated
code. Optionally specify a WSDL namespace to Java package
name mapping. -sn <service-name>
Specify he WSDL service name to use for the generated code.
Also, optionally specify the WSDL namespace. -b <binding-file-name>*
Specify an external jaxws or jaxb binding files. Use one -b
flag for each binding file. -reserveClass <class-name>*
Reserve a class name to keep the code generator from
generating a class of the given name. In name cases, a
binding file or use of -autoNameResolution flag may be
necessary for the code generator to completely generate
usable code. -catalog <catalog-file-name>
Specify catalog file to map the imported wsdl/schema. -d <output-directory>
Specify the directory into which the code is placed. -compile Specifies that the generated code is compiled by the tool. -classdir <compile-classes-directory>
Specifies the directory into which compiled class files are
placed. -impl Specifies that a dummy service implementation is generated. -server Specifies that server code is generated. -client Specifies that client code is generated. -clientjar <jar-file-name>
Package all the client classes and wsdl in a jar file -all Specifies that interfaces, types , service, server , dummy
impl, client and ant script are generated. -autoNameResolution
Specifies that the tool will attempt to resolve class
naming conflicts without requiring the use of binding
customizations. -allowElementReferences|-aer<=true>
allowElementReferences -defaultValues<=class-name-for-DefaultValueProvider>
Specifies that default values are generated for the dummy
implementation and client. You can specify the name of the
class to provide the default values. The default is
RandomValueProvider. -ant Specifies that an ant build script is generated for the
project. -nexclude <schema-namespace [= java-package-name]>*
Specifies a WSDL namespace to exclude when generating code.
This option can be specified multiple times. Optionally
specify the Java package name to use for the WSDL
namespace. -exsh <(true, false)>
Enables the processing of extended SOAP header message
binding. -noTypes Turns off generating types -dns <Default value is true>
Enables loading the default namespace package name mapping.
The default is true. -dex <(true, false)>
Enable loading the default excludes namespace mapping. The
default is true. -validate<[=all|basic|none]>
Specifies that the WSDL is validated before generating the
code. Using this option is highly recommended. By default,
only very basic validation is done to make sure the WSDL
meets the WSI-BasicProfile standards that CXF requires.
-validate=none can turn off those checks while -validate or
-validate=all turns on additional schema validation and
other checks. -keep Specifies that existing code will not be over written.
NOTE: You will have to solve any resulting compilation
problems by yourself -wsdlLocation <wsdlLocation>
Specifies the value of the @WebServiceClient annotation's
wsdlLocation property. -xjc<xjc-arguments>*
Specifies a comma separated list of arguments that are
passed directly to XJC when the JAXB data binding is used.
This option causes XJC to load additional plugins that
augment code generation. For example to load the
toString(ts) plugin that will add a toString() method to
all generated types the following <xjc arguments> would be
used: -xjc-Xts A list of available XJC plugins can be
obtained by using -xjc-X. -asyncMethods<[=method1,method2,...]>*
Specifies a comma separated list of methods that should
have asynchronous version generated in addition to the
normal synchronous versions. If no methods are listed, all
methods are generated with asynchronous versions. -bareMethods<[=method1,method2,...]>*
Specifies a comma separated list of methods that should not
be unwrapped into individual parameters and instead be left
in their "bare" form. -mimeMethods<[=method1,method2,...]>*
Specifies a comma separated list of methods where the
mime:content information is used to generate the type. -noAddressBinding Specifies that the generator should not use the address
jaxb binding file to map wsa:EndpointReferenceType or
wsa:EndpointReference to -faultSerialVersionUID <fault-serialVersionUID>
Specifies how to generate fault Exception's SUID, can use
NONE|TIMESTAMP|FQCN|####", the default is NONE. FQCN uses a
hash of the fully qualified class name. #### would be any
valid Long to use as the SUID. -encoding <encoding>
Specifies the charset encoding to use when generating java
sources -exceptionSuper <exceptionSuper>
Specifies the superclass to use for generated exceptions,
the default is java.lang.Exception. -seiSuper <seiSuper>*
Specifies the SuperInterface to use for generated Service
Interfaces. -mark-generated Adds @Generated annotation in all java files that are
generated. -h|-?|-help Display detailed information for options. -version|-v Display the version of the tool. -verbose|-V Specifies that the generator runs in verbose mode. -quiet|-q|-Q Specifies that the generator runs in quiet mode. -wsdlList Indicates the wsdlurl is a plain text list of wsdlurls that
are new line delimited. As an example the wsdlurl might
point to
ist=true on a cxf server. <wsdlurl> wsdl-url
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