[LeetCode] 607. Sales Person_Easy tag: SQL
Given three tables: salesperson
, company
, orders
Output all the names in the table salesperson
, who didn’t have sales to company 'RED'.
Table: salesperson
| sales_id | name | salary | commission_rate | hire_date |
| 1 | John | 100000 | 6 | 4/1/2006 |
| 2 | Amy | 120000 | 5 | 5/1/2010 |
| 3 | Mark | 65000 | 12 | 12/25/2008|
| 4 | Pam | 25000 | 25 | 1/1/2005 |
| 5 | Alex | 50000 | 10 | 2/3/2007 |
The table salesperson
holds the salesperson information. Every salesperson has a sales_id and a name.
Table: company
| com_id | name | city |
| 1 | RED | Boston |
| 2 | ORANGE | New York |
| 3 | YELLOW | Boston |
| 4 | GREEN | Austin |
The table company
holds the company information. Every company has a com_id and a name.
Table: orders
| order_id | date | com_id | sales_id | amount |
| 1 | 1/1/2014 | 3 | 4 | 100000 |
| 2 | 2/1/2014 | 4 | 5 | 5000 |
| 3 | 3/1/2014 | 1 | 1 | 50000 |
| 4 | 4/1/2014 | 1 | 4 | 25000 |
The table orders
holds the sales record information, salesperson and customer company are represented by sales_id and com_id.
| name |
| Amy |
| Mark |
| Alex |
According to order '3' and '4' in table orders
, it is easy to tell only salesperson 'John' and 'Alex' have sales to company 'RED',
so we need to output all the other names in table salesperson
SELECT s.name FROM salesperson as s WHERE s.name NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT s1.name FROM salesperson as s1 JOIN company as c JOIN orders as o WHERE s1.sales_id = o.sales_id AND c.name = 'RED' AND o.com_id = c.com_id)
SELECT s.name FROM salesperson as s WHERE s.sales_id NOT IN (SELECT o.sales_id FROM orders as o LEFT JOIN company as c ON o.com_id = c.com_id
WHERE c.name = 'RED')
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