回溯法 Generate Parentheses,第二次总结
class Solution {
vector<string> ans; void helper(string& cur, int left, int right, int n)
// not a must
//if(left > n || right > n || left < right)
// return;
if(left == n && right == n) //左右相等,到终点了 ans数组在这里等你
} // 如果左侧比n小,可以添加左侧,也可以添加右侧
if(left < n)
helper(cur, left+, right, n);
if(right < left)
helper(cur,left, right+,n);
else // left == n
helper(cur, left ,right+, n);
} }
vector<string> generateParenthesis(int n) {
string tmp;
return ans;
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