Problem UVA1533-Moving Pegs

Accept:106  Submit:375

Time Limit: 3000 mSec

 Problem Description


The input consists of T test cases. The number of test cases (T) is given in the first line of the input file. Each test case is a single integer which means an empty hole number.


For each test case, the first line of the output file contains an integer which is the number of jumps in a shortest sequence of moving pegs. In the second line of the output file, print a sequence of peg movements. Apegmovementconsistsofapairofintegersseparatedbyaspace. Thefirstintegerofthe pair denotes the hole number of the peg that is moving, and the second integer denotes a destination (empty) hole number.

 Sample Input


 Sample Ouput


12 5 3 8 15 12 6 13 7 9 1 7 10 8 7 9 11 14 14 5


 #include <bits/stdc++.h>

 using namespace std;

 const int maxn = , maxm = ;
const int dir[maxn][maxm] =
{-,-,-,-, , }, {-, ,-, , , }, { ,-, ,-, , }, {-, ,-, , , },
{ , , , , , }, { ,-, ,-, , }, {-, ,-, ,,}, { , , , ,,},
{ , , , ,,}, { ,-, ,-,,}, {-, ,-,,-,-}, { , ,,,-,-},
{ , ,,,-,-}, { , ,,,-,-}, { ,-,,-,-,-}
}; int s;
bool vis[ << maxn];
pair<int, int> path[ << maxn];
int pre[ << maxn]; struct Node {
int sit, time;
int pos;
Node(int sit = , int time = , int pos = ) :
sit(sit), time(time), pos(pos) {}
}; int bfs(int &p) {
int cnt = ;
int ori = ( << maxn) - ;
ori ^= ( << s);
queue<Node> que;
que.push(Node(ori, , ));
vis[ori] = true;
while (!que.empty()) {
Node first = que.front();
if (first.sit == ( << s)) {
p = first.pos;
return first.time;
} int ssit = first.sit;
for (int i = ; i < maxn; i++) {
if (!(ssit&( << i))) continue; for (int j = ; j < maxm; j++) {
int Next = dir[i][j];
if (Next == - || !(ssit&( << Next))) continue; int tmp = ssit ^ ( << i);
while (Next != -) {
if (!(ssit&( << Next))) {
//printf("%d %d\n",i, Next);
tmp ^= ( << Next);
if (!vis[tmp]) {
Node temp(tmp, first.time + , ++cnt);
pre[cnt] = first.pos;
path[cnt] = make_pair(i, Next);
vis[tmp] = true;
tmp ^= ( << Next);
Next = dir[Next][j];
return -;
} void output(int pos) {
if (!pre[pos]) {
printf("%d %d", path[pos].first + , path[pos].second + );
printf(" %d %d", path[pos].first + , path[pos].second + );
} int main()
int iCase;
scanf("%d", &iCase);
while (iCase--) {
scanf("%d", &s);
memset(vis, false, sizeof(vis));
memset(pre, -, sizeof(pre));
int pos;
int ans = bfs(pos);
if (ans == -) {
else {
printf("%d\n", ans);
return ;

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