源:Reinstall the Arduino Pro Mini Bootloade ISP

To resolve the errors I burned the bootloader to the Arduino Pro Minis using my functioning Arduino Uno as an ISP. For the most part I followed the instructions here: http://www.sparkfun.com/tutorials/247 adhering to Option 1 but using the Arduino IDE to burn the bootloader. Here is what I did step by step:
1. Connect the Arduino Uno via USB to the PC
2. Open the Arduino IDE
3. Select the correct COM port and board (Arduino Uno)
4. Open the ArduinoISP sketch (File>Examples>ArduinoISP)
5. Upload the sketch. once complete your Arduino Uno is now programmed to be an ISP programmer. This is great because I really didn't want to buy a seperate programmer.
6. Power the Uno off and wire the Uno to the Arduino Pro Mini in the following fashion:

Uno---------------Pro Mini
Digital Pin 11(MOSI)----pin 11 (MOSI)
Digital Pin 12(MISO)----pin 12 (MISO)
Digital Pin 13(SCK)-----pin 13 (SCK)
Digital Pin 10----------RST

7. Power on the Uno
8. Select the correct COM port
9. IMPORTANT: Select board Arduino Pro Mini 3.3v w/ATmega328 as the board we are uploading to
10.from the Tools menu, select Burn Bootloader > w/Aduino as ISP

This was a magical moment for me. All kinds of LEDS were blinking and flashing. After a few seconds the IDE said: Done burning bootloader, thank you. If this is also your result you have successfully reinstalled the bootloader on you Arduino Pro Mini. Next, connect the FTDI board to the Arduino Pro Mini and attempt to upload a sketch. I was so excited that this worked I let my wife sucker me into going to the arts and crafts store so she could buy some new sewing thread. Don't fall for this. Every sketch I have uploaded to my Arduino Pro Minis has been successful form this point on. The end.

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